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  1. Chezz

    Back for a round or 2

    Hi guys, I've played since round 26 to about 30 or so. (Anyone care to tell me what round this is btw? :)) Some of my friends have played Bush in the past as well, but they have left the game since. (Does anyone remember kyx? I know him in RL) I'm not really a veteran player, and I don't think...
  2. Chezz

    Azzer Sand Game?

    Hi, I was looking for the "Azzer Sand Game" on the forums and I found the thread but it seems that the files have been deleted? It gives the 404 Not Found Error..... Does anyone have the file (game with the physics file, and the scenarios) on their computer, and kindly upload them? Thanks...:-)
  3. Chezz

    Geo Phys Thieves Dev.

    Currently for Geo Phys thieves, we need to develop 2 techs: Geo-Physics - 12 ticks - $250,000 Geo-Phys Thieves - 20 ticks - $500,000 This seems pretty pointless. Why not just merge them into 1 tech: Geo-Physics - 32 ticks - $750,000 Any comments?
  4. Chezz

    Bug in Landgrabbing

    I was attacked recently and lost some land. I had 750 before the attack and the BR was: [close] 130,000 allied Hippy attacked, distracting 122,587 hostile staff. [close] 130,000 allied Yob attacked, disabling 144,203 hostile staff. [close] 3,210 hostile Wheelbarrower stole 89 land. [12] tree...
  5. Chezz


    Could we have voting back in the game now? I was just looking through the Wiki and realised that voting was removed long ago and I'm missing it....>.<
  6. Chezz

    Windows 7 Release Candidate

    Anybody is trying out the Windows 7 RC? It's currently available for download until 15 August and it lasts until June 2010. I'm currently downloading the 64-bit version for my Vista laptop. I'll be sharing any experiences later on! Anyone who already has it can share what's new and good/bad in...
  7. Chezz


    Err.....I just came back after about 2 rounds , but I can't find anything related to Bounty on the wiki. (Actually there is something but its related to the old Bounty I presume). So can a kind soul please update me on the new bounty system? Thanks ;)
  8. Chezz

    Havoc? Now?

    Since we are going to have havoc now, and the round starts on the 13th, then does that mean that we will be having 2 weeks of nothingness before Age 5 starts? Why not postpone the havoc to next week? Any opinions people?
  9. Chezz

    More Land Help

    So...assuming I'm attacking this guy with geos, and another guy also attacks the same target with geos as well on the same tick. So what will happen on the [close] tick? Do we both get our 15% land....or something else happens?
  10. Chezz

    IRC Problem...

    I'm quite new on IRC, but I had a problem just now... When I tried to connect to the Bush channel, I got this message Cannot join channel (+r) Any help?
  11. Chezz

    Unit types

    Currently we have some unit types, like Machine/Vehicle, Living, Undead etc. They are not in use much, except for some units like Scrap Bot which attacks only Machine/Vehicle, Robotic (not sure whether there are others). So what I feel is since they are not used, why not remove them OR make...
  12. Chezz

    Stealth Units?

    Basically I have 2 small suggestions here: 1) If 2 players are MUTUAL Pnaps, they are able to see each other's stealth units through hax0r. 2) A player, when attacking other players, has the option to unstealth his stealth troops in an attempt to 'scare off' his enemy, so as to reduce troop...
  13. Chezz


    Here is a bug I saw recently on my own overview page.. Is it a bug on the game's part?
  14. Chezz

    BLueprint tech

    According to the manual and the wiki, blueprint technologies are available during the last 11 days of a round. So does it mean then the 'days left' on the overview page has to be less then 11 or is it supposed to be free now already? ( current time left: 11.49 days. )
  15. Chezz

    A simple suggestion

    I was wondering if we could just add a "Total staff" when hax0ring people?
  16. Chezz

    Improvement to 'Hiring' page

    Everytime I want to buy something like 1.5m units, I have to type 1500k instead, because typing 1.5m doesn't work. Eg. If I want to buy 1.5 million cloners, and I type 1.5m, the cost shows up as $90,000 [ $60,000 * 1.5 ] Is it possible to recode it so that 1.5m --> 1,500,000 instead of 1 1/2 ?
  17. Chezz

    More descriptions for fighting units

    Until now I've noticed that with the exception of a few units, most units when they attack, they basically show the same text: 1000 ABCD attacked and killed/distracted/disabled/bribed 1000 WXYZ The exceptions are hypnotists (mesmerised), loudspeaker (shouted into the ears), petrol bombers...