Cyrus's IRC trial


Community Operator
Dec 14, 2007
< Nameless> Cyrus, I hereby accuse thee of being a stiff.
< Nameless> How do you answer these accusations?
<@MattM> hey Cyrus
<@MattM> :)
<@Cyrus> Nameless not guilty
< Nameless> Very well, the prosecution will present its evidence.
< Nameless> I call Bruce666 to the witness stand.
< Nameless> Bruce, tell the jury why Cyrus is a stiff.
< Nameless> Is he even in the courtroom?
<@Cyrus> no
< Nameless> hmmm
<@Cyrus> he thinks your accusations are a farse
<@Cyrus> :p
< Alien> lol
< Nameless> Sergeant-at-arms, please go find the witness and drag him in here.
* Nameless pokes MattM
<@MattM> oo
<@MattM> Sergeant-at-Arms
<@MattM> I like
* MattM drags in Bruce666
< Wade> Cyrus has a stiffy?
<@MattM> You are called to be witness, sah!
< Nameless> He refuses to testify!
<@MattM> I hold you in contempt of court, sah!
< Nameless> Well this won't do at all, we can't have a proper trial without our star witness.
< Nameless> Throw him in the brig, and find someone else who wants to testify!
<@MattM> Right away, sah!
< Nameless> Anyone really, I'm not fussy.
< Mattheus> lol
< Bruce666> cyrus is a stiff?
< Nameless> He speaks!
< Nameless> Bruce, in your opinion is Cyrus a stiff?
< Bruce666> lol i missed half that conversation had to find my JD
<@DA> Evenin' all
<@MattM> Hmmm
< Nameless> evening, we're having a trial~
< Bruce666> stiff in what way
< Nameless> !
<@MattM> I believe that the witness may be intoxicated, sah!
< Nameless> I'll allow it!
<@MattM> I'd like the jury to note that this may be the case though.
< Nameless> Stiff in that he has a lame sense of humor, is a general priss, and probably yells at kids to get off his lawn.
< Nameless> Would you agree?
< Bruce666> no i am not yet intoxicated, but thus far agrees with nameless lol
< Hobbezak> MattM, do you actually exercise the profession of lawyer?
< Nameless> The witness agrees. No further questions.
< Hobbezak> If not, you shouldn't be talking in the courtroom.
<@MattM> No, I am Sergeant-At-Arms in this court.
< Nameless> Next witness!
< Bruce666> i love the get off yur lawn one lol
< Nameless> The prosecution calls Hobbezak to the witness stand.
< Hobbezak> k!
< Hobbezak> Hi, my name is Hobbezak, and I haven't drunk in 2 weeks. :O
< Nameless> Hobbezak, in your opinion, is Cyrus a stiff?
< Hobbezak> This is AA ya?
* Markb starts laughing in the public gallery
< Hobbezak> Is or has?
< Nameless> Either/or.
<@MattM> Either/or.
< Nameless> o_O
<@MattM> lol
< Nameless> No loling in my courtroom!
* Nameless bangs the gavel
<@MattM> Sorry, sah!
<@Cyrus> Nameless your case is all over the place
<@Cyrus> and has more holes than a siv
* Nameless throws the gavel at Cyrus
<@Cyrus> i rest my case.
< Hobbezak> Is: Definitely, Has: Need a microscope to give a 100% conclusive reply.
< Nameless> You sir will get a chance to defend yourself, but that time is not now!
<@MattM> The accused shall be quiet!
< Nameless> The second witness agrees. That will be all.
< Alien> lol
< Nameless> The prosecution calls Alien to the witness stand.
< Hobbezak> But I still have a dance I'd like to perform for the jury. :'(
< Nameless> Alien, in your opinion, is Cyrus a stiff?
< Hobbezak> Awww. :(
< Alien> hmm
< Hobbezak> This court sucks, I'm gonna take my busines to another judge. :(
< Nameless> (you may dance when we drag him to the gallows, not that that's a foregone conclusion or anything.....)
< Alien> Definately
<@MattM> Quiet in court!
< Alien> no question about it
< Nameless> Thank you Alien.
< Nameless> The prosecution rests its case.
< Nameless> Cyrus, defend yourself!
<@MattM> Cyrus, are you conducting your own defence?
< Recon> i will be Cyrus's lawyer
<@MattM> Excellent.
< Hobbezak> lol fag
< Nameless> Does he want you as his lawyer?
< Recon> we pleed insanity
< Alien> lawl
< Hobbezak> o_0
<@MattM> The court will adjourn to discuss such a possibility!
<@Cyrus> i believe its down to my drug addiction
< Bruce666> sorry judge nameless i missed the verdict as i fell off chair
< Nameless> The court will not adjourn!
<@Cyrus> i will pleed guilty if the prison sentence is dropped and i can go to rehab
<@MattM> It has to, sah!
<@Cyrus> otherwise im sticking to not guilty
< Recon> not guilty!
<@Cyrus> thats my offer on the table
<@Cyrus> take it or leave it
< Recon> damnit Cyrus let me do my job!
< Nameless> I shall consult with the persecutor.
< Hobbezak> Rehab? Or kebab?
* Nameless consults
< Hobbezak> Hmmm i'm hungry. :(
< Wade> someone bobbing for kebabs?
<@Cyrus> Hobbezak
<@Cyrus> rehab
<@Cyrus> in a kebab shop
< Hobbezak> o_0
< Bruce666> guilt as hell lol
< Hobbezak> Fair deal!
< Nameless> The prosecution believes that given the strength of the case against you, accepting a plea deal is unacceptable.
<@Cyrus> lol
< Nameless> So you still plead not guilty?
<@Cyrus> where's your die hard evidence
< Bruce666> i testified
<@Cyrus> id like logs of such nazism
< Nameless> Three witnesses, all of questionable repute and one likely intoxicated, have spoken to your guilt.
< Hobbezak> Questionable repute?!
< Nameless> Unless you can defend yourself against these charges, the court will render a verdict upside your head.
< Hobbezak> Wtf kind of rubbish judge be thee?!
<@Cyrus> lol
<@Cyrus> im sure he jsut said
<@MattM> Indeed Hobbezak, the court has documents.
<@Cyrus> his case has holes in it
< Bruce666> a judge of Questionable repute
< n0c0|zzz|prank> I lost the game
-!- n0c0|zzz|prank is now known as n0c0ntr0l
<@MattM> Documents of an... intimate... nature
<@Ogluk> ¬_¬
<@Markb> n0c0ntr0l: damn it
* Ogluk destroys n0c0ntr0l's soul
<@MattM> Quiet in court, Ogluk
< Hobbezak> Intimate nature eh. :O
< Nameless> Very well, Cyrus would rather rail against the court than defend himself. I proclaim the defense rested, and it is now to the jury to decide his guilt or innocence.
< Hobbezak> The court has playboy magazines? :O
< Nameless> Jury, talk it out!
< Bruce666> GUILTY
< Alien> where?
< Nameless> idc
< Nameless> just yell and stuff
< n0c0ntr0l> Why
<@MattM> Bruce666, quiet whilst the jury decides.
<@MattM> :p
< Nameless> the judge is going to get a sandwich while the jury deliberates
< n0c0ntr0l> I think the defendant is guilty
< Hobbezak> *cough* guilty *cough*
< Hobbezak> Sorry, bad cold. :(
< Alien> guilty :p
* Nameless comes back
< Nameless> Has the jury reached a decision?
< Bruce666> verdicts in mate
< Nameless> All in favor of acquittal, say Aye.
< Nameless> *crickets*
< Nameless> All in favor of guilty, shout it out!
< Hobbezak> Willy the Hillbilly!
< Alien> GUILTY!
< Bruce666> GUILTY
* Ogluk brings new evidence to the court
< Bruce666> too late ogluk
<@Ogluk> its never too late!
< Nameless> The foremen of the jury have come back with a verdict of guilty on the charge of being a stiff.
< Nameless> This court hereby sentences Cyrus to be put in the stocks in his underwear, and paddled at high noon.
< Nameless> The court is hereby adjourned.
<@Ogluk> lol
< Hobbezak> oh la oh la
< Nameless> One final note - who wants to do the paddling?
< Bruce666> me
* Nameless hands Bruce the Paddle of Justice
< Hobbezak> omg!
< Nameless> Carry on!
< Bruce666> i like paddling and whipping:D
< Hobbezak> I want to have Bruce666 charged with homosexuality Judge Nameless. :(
< Hobbezak> Or with 220V.
< Bruce666> lol with women normally bruv but cyrus is the exception
< Nameless> File a complaint with my magistrate, I'm off duty for the day.
< Hobbezak> Prooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!
* Nameless puts on his party pants


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
nameless why didn't you ensure that he was wearing clean underwear? ewww train tracks.