Mutual Attacking For AR


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
Bristol, United Kingdom
Re: Mutual Attacking For AR

The points about it possibly being a bounty run being used to the defenders advantage are valid. Ultimately only Azzer can really know the truth as he is privy to information that no one else is. But there are crucial things to take into account.

a)is the attacker the anti-route of the defender

b)has the attacker ever triggered AR on the defender

c)does the attacker have a decent eff/bounty ranking

d)is the attacker higher in value than the defender

e)would the attacker win the battle if the defender left all his LETs at home

If all these can be answered yes then it is hard to prove any illegal play is occuring. If the majority can be answered no then it looks like mutual attacking is occuring.