mass effect 3, multiplayer


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
hey guys, not sure if any one plays this apart from me and americans! but i recently partook in the weekend challenge called operation raptor which is similar to that the previous week (or was it two weeks ago now i forget) known as operation goliath.

the rewards for partaking is a victory pack. and a commendation pac. but looing at what i have earnt via my bioware account

it doesnt show me having recieved the reward, but just now i did recieve a victory pack... now looking at you-tube other people seemed to have recieved thier victory and commendation packs both at once for the previous promotion. where as you can get a victory pack just for logging on. if the community as a whole has already done the leg work.

im not sure if its because there is a delay between recieving them as i was advised by ea helpers that i should try tomorrow. but im a little suspicious my hard work didnt count because my victory pack contained no new guns/gun unlocks. which i have seen plenty of people get from operation goliath.

in short i get a cruddy +5 medi gel. and some one else will get a new gun like geth shotgun and it will allready be at rank 7 and it makes me think WTF!! did i get the cheapo pac because it didnt register me helping?

if any one has recieved themselves the commendation pack or even plays online and may have recieved something without realising please feel free to post and let me know what the deelio is...

for anyone that plays online and they themselves are waiting to recieve a pack. what i can tell you is weekend promotions start from friday and go on until monday 5pm PST. and rewards come out the next day tuesday 5pm PST (i think) around 11 GMT.


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
ps anyone thats interested. i best bring the threaqd to a close...
you get the rewards on wednesday/tuesday evening. (i dont know why not instantly but meh). Also it appears on any bioware profiles etc after the weekend finishes, on tuesday also

just did this weekends challenge today. completing a gold ranked map. infact i did it twice with a pretty decent squad.

pps does anyone play online mass effect 3? ...