• Those wishing to contribute to the game by making suggestions (both small and large) should read the following before doing so.

    Bushtarion largely runs completely automatically, and has been designed intentionally to be as self-maintaining as possible, with mechanics and balance considered at a completed point.

    Please do not spend large amounts of time coming up with complex suggestions in the hope that they will be read and possibly implemented in the future, unless you just enjoy the discussion, theory-craft, and such.

    The most likely changes will be rules-changes, specific number-tweaks to units, techs, and similar sorts of changes, and only if a large community consensus is reached as "proof" that a change would, overall, be an improvement, and are more likely to be done in batches, occassionally, not as a regular thing.

Close Bush down


Head Gardener
Jan 7, 2008
With the amount of open cheats this round isnt it about time that bush got switched off. With what has happened, next round is gonna be a joke with so many people creating multis we will prolly see the most active round start for years just a shame its only gonna be 20 people or so with 10 accounts each. I am gonna play just to see how bad it can get.


Landscape Designer
Jan 19, 2012
it definitely ranks up there. sadly, it's closer to coming true than bringing it's sexy back.


Dec 14, 2007
To be fair bush wont need to close down since the honest players will just vanish more and more as the cheats get away with things but saying that it was encouraging that "some of the cheats" got caught and locked this round so thats got to say something!


Tree Surgeon
Dec 16, 2007
SE Kent, England
Azzer is happy more and more accounts being made = more money on P-Units.

Still, Angela is right, we'll all just vanish!


Feb 20, 2009
The Clouds
Multi vs multi,battle of who has the most pc's..
I can understand your frustrations, I have had many over my time on this game and it's not just about cheaters. Even when I have had the cheater admit to my face there has been occasions where Azzer did nothing about it due to lack of evidence. Darkmane was his name if I remember correctly, when he attacked me with RPG and defended me with his multi with Protestor way back when defending anyone was allowed. This allowed his RPG to take out all my Robo units without being touched (as I would have taken him out otherwise).

I do not feel this game needs to be shut down however, if things are getting too much for you then I would advise you take a break and think about if you want to keep playing. I don't feel that threads like this will help you, or anybody else feeling this way. But since you posted it I will respond and hopefully my reply helps put your mind at ease, even if it's just a little bit!


There are many talented, honest and legit players out there that can take out more than one cheater per round.

I just feel that the community needs to work together and put all personal differences to one side. That would mean me not trying to kill all my personal grudges, for them and their friends to come for revenge - all this quarrelling will create a massive opening for any cheater to worm their way up the ranks. When this is done, a bit of cheating, account sharing, mutual bounty/land and AR Mod farming will create them a next to impossible high ranked solo player, and that's where we are all going wrong.

This might also mean you contactables need to stop playing to win, this over 40+ rounds is a little over-rated now wouldn't you say? What gives?

Give yourself new goals, themes alliances, bring some enjoyment back into the game. Ogluk and players of the like are going a great job with training alliances, granted that I don't think they should be training them to be contactable but this helps some of the new players ever so much. I feel it's only new players who should do this to win, and not players that know the game inside out, anyway this is heading off topic, see next point below!

Sadly, I don't think things will change. I hate to say it, Azzer is our only hope. Due to the insane amount of cheaters, even some fair players are being accused of cheating because that thought is in all our minds now...and it's always been in some of your minds anyway. I hope all the players who have loved this game with a passion will stick around to the very end, because I would love to see who comes out on top.

I promise you it won't ever be a cheater that wins this.


I couldn't care less about score/rank/land etc, and will promise to put all my personal hate and grudges to one side every single round there are cheaters and I will devout my round to taking each and every last one of them out. If I am sacrificing all this for this game, I'm sure there are others out there that can do this too.

I'll do it regardless of who attacks me, it would just be a whole lot easier if people understood what I am trying to do and left me be. :turn-l:
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Garden Designer
Dec 15, 2007
this is a really stupid suggestion. in so that it isn't even a suggestion. If you think bush should just be closed down then just leave imo