• Those wishing to contribute to the game by making suggestions (both small and large) should read the following before doing so.

    Bushtarion largely runs completely automatically, and has been designed intentionally to be as self-maintaining as possible, with mechanics and balance considered at a completed point.

    Please do not spend large amounts of time coming up with complex suggestions in the hope that they will be read and possibly implemented in the future, unless you just enjoy the discussion, theory-craft, and such.

    The most likely changes will be rules-changes, specific number-tweaks to units, techs, and similar sorts of changes, and only if a large community consensus is reached as "proof" that a change would, overall, be an improvement, and are more likely to be done in batches, occassionally, not as a regular thing.

Alliance Listings


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
Im sure there was one before, but can we add (on each alliance public profile page) a 'back to alliance listings' link.

I keep going to request to join an alliance when trying to return to the alliance listings page.


Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
Yeah I totally forgot to add that. I'll make it a bit more "Intelligent" though and make it send you back to whatever page you reached it from - eg if you click your alliance name from "Your Alliance", the link will say "Back to Your Alliance". If you got it from a public alliance name listed on world ranks, it'd take you back to world ranks etc.

Yes sure people can just hit "Back" on their browser, but a big thing of web development these days seems to be to allow users to quickly and easily navigate your site without ever needing to use the back or forward buttons (don't know why, but there we go!).