Begin the resistance! | R41


Garden Designer
Dec 16, 2007
i would like to see how kiwi compare to other winning alliances at the end of round. will the lack of competition make them lazy and starved of land? or will they soar like an eagle scoping out prey?


dooo eeet


Official Helper
Community Operator
Jun 3, 2008
i would like to see how kiwi compare to other winning alliances at the end of round. will the lack of competition make them lazy and starved of land? or will they soar like an eagle scoping out prey?


dooo eeet

its only happened once before, {since land score changes etc} don't wanna bruise Twigley's ego and take that away from him and the rest of S2N :p


Garden Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Whilst your mathematical analysis is interesting willy (I'm being honest, I do a lot of it for fun myself because I'm a sadass geek) I think there are two genuinely BIG factors you are forgetting here:

1) Developments. A lot of the players in smaller alliances will get barely enough cash to keep their developments going. That leaves nothing left in the pot to attack with, except flak that's already being used to plant / attack bots with. So the resistance would be sacrificing developments - which can prove fatal.

2) Playerbase psychology. You are right that in kiwi, we managed to fake a lot of the defence. As Ogluk once put it, "Before spies are out, everyone's a PB!" and he's correct, fake defence is very easy to do. It's all very well to throw caution to the wind and just stay on target on all targets, but fake defence will always scare the majority of players into recalling given the choice ;D It brings out the inner score queen in us ^^


Landscape Designer
Jul 7, 2008
I hate being the logical one here but Kiwi won..they were active and played the best 'This round'...they deserve the win...simple... why are you all still slagging each other off

lets see what happens next rd just enjoy playing ftf nice:p

Congrats kiwi

Bruce - instead of posting without reading, go back and read some of the posts.. There were plenty of people defending kiwi..

And willy - you and willy are talking about 2 completely different sets of attacks, for the first set.. we had practically NO lethals..


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
...[All sorts of very clever stuff that shows he really didn't read all of this thread - or at least the important bits inbetween the trolling]...

I'd like to point you to these two posts I'd previously written in this thread mate:

wasn't enough participation for the resistance to succeed, and too many mistakes were made..

big thumbs up to steve_god for putting everything together.. and thanks to the people that participated, was fun for the 2 attacks it lasted! longer than some resistances :p

i have to agree with u lucky, it did last longer than most resistances, how ever the way the attacks were planned it seems like u all were going for land, u should of been trying to kill us, as it was u all "had" a troops adv over us. BL and better luck next time
None of the attacks this weekend were for land, they were ALL planned for kills.

If you thought we were going for land and that pulled the defence (which in the main it looked like it did) then our plan worked, and you were fooled :p
(There were a few that sent wrong mobs to wrong targets in the first wave, but it's bound to happen when we gave minimal notice to reduce leaks)

Unfortunately, our calculated troop advantage only works if we can actually get all Members from all those alliances involved.
Even though we went for kills, pulling defence elsewhere so that our real had less lethal defence than it could have, we still lost. Dealing plenty of damage in the process, but we lost.

I want to give a big thumbs up to the Leaders and representatives from Bribemania II, A Nag Ram, The Dude Abides, Pee-wee's Playhouse and Empire. While it may have been a standing joke that anything we get from PW and Emp was a bonus, you still showed willing and helped out where you could. To BM2, ANR, TDA, it was a shame that combined we are all a bit 'too' FTF, and could never quite gather enough of our players online collectively to do enough damage to tip the balance.

The Resistance isn't dead by any means... but any future co-ordination will be mainly around rushes, and probably bounty hunting :)grin:) - we just don't have the involvement from 'enough' players to make it happen properly.

We had more than our valuation of troops attacking during resistance but with good planning then you can overcome the majority of attacks.

Just for clarity, that wasn't strictly true - we didn't have anywhere near the lethal capacity for those willing to send.

While on paper (which I was abusing the stats on nobreakspace to build momentum within the other allies) the value scores were higher, there wasn't enough involvement for people to send to take you down.

Even with half of your lethals stretched elsewhere from fake mobs, with every single person actually involved enough to send as part of the resistance, all on one tick, we still got slaughtered on a 2:1 ratio.

Your defence was good, don't get me wrong, but we just didn't have the numbers.

On a side note, I'm amazed how few people were unavailable to attack during resistance times from some of the allies, yet are able to get decent numbers together to defend when needed :p

But to directly answer the 3 "main mistakes"
- "1) you only sent flak for the first few runs. and even one time after you lose 100mil flak":
The first run was towards the end of the flak wars to get you lot to spend up to slow you down on devs (which worked, as you said some did spend up and slowed them down) - unfortunately many people forgot to recall when they should have and died :p
- "2) you sent at unfortunate times/or wrong":
Most likely, but given there was minimal player activity, the times we were were that which all alliances had given as their most active time overall. And yeah, there will always be done that miss the tick :p
- "3) you were so scared of our troops you didnt realise the power fo your troops and didnt spread thin enough":
I refer you to the above quotes ^^ we didn't have anywhere near the numbers online and able to send.

As for the "thats 10% less troops than you expect from NBS" - Very true, but it makes absolutely no difference when I got between 50-80% less player involvement from other alliances involved that I was expecting :p

steve i will not debate with you on this matter. i organised defence. i hacked all the players that were sending. if you had attacked differently you could have curshed us.,

if you hadnst stopped coming when you did you would have won it. you had more lethals thgan we could deal with and were further teched and had a 12 hour window to get us before eta 5 view.

we never had that many online at once becuase we had soooo many kiwis we had half eu, and half kiwi. and 1-2 americans(north ans south). What im trying to point out is you over estimated our ability and troops. and its something you do not notice. until you are on the otherside

THE BIGGEST MISTAKE was you never covered more than 12 targets iirc. 4 alliances covering <12 targets. it was just unfortunate thatyou didnt feel you had enough resources when you did. and didnt use them as perfectlly as i could see thier potential for them to be used. but i could only see that or envisage how you could have won because i knew what we had, who was online. what our weakest times were. and the fact we had eta 3 view. and not decnet armour killing lethals as our rpgs and streikers and half alliance teched intel and geos before useful ****

i know all this because i saw it first hand. and saw from those that sent what they had. and what they kept home.

you had enough to beat us. you just didnt know how, or believe you did. and its not a critiscism of you or your organisation. its a beacon of hope for future resistances to not be afraid or think you have little. because you dont. you have so much more potential to beat the rank 1 alliance then you could ever imagine. and You only truely realise how weak the alliance is when your in it trying to help like everyone else and hold it together. from the outside it looks like an impentirable fortress.

from the inside its like a wasps nest coated in petrol, hoping that they dont find the matches.(but for the record what you did with the ftf alliances and resources you had was very good. and im pleased we could fight. im just saying those same resources ...the people that actually sent, not the potential 120 you were never going to muster but the constant nagram and combo and pewwees that sent could have toppled us if done right. and people dont think they can do it as easily as they can.)
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Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
what im trying to say is the battle was 90% psychological. 10% tactical.

and thinking we were sooo much bigger and stronger. meant it affected how you sent. and that actually made it easier to defend. when having organised the defence and hacked EVERY player that sent i knew we could have been dicked on if it was done differently.

(and ps like lucky said. i mentioned flak sends but im actually on about the time you had nanos 20m between all the regular senders. as much as 30m between every one in thier alliances, not to mention more ninja, paras, officers etc) bluehen had like 5mill on his own. and we had eta 3 view still the start of the 2nd weekend iirc. and only a few pbs and apprentices to defend ourselves.) then we got eta 5 view and kiwibacon got sorcs. it was then no longer as easy. and you didnt come back (maybe once)


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
You could have done with preaching the majority of this to your alliance last round, Willy.



Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
You could have done with preaching the majority of this to your alliance last round, Willy.


whos to say he didnt?

Top 10 Alliances:
Rank: Name: Led By: Members: Acres: Score:
1 TBA Twigley 20 527,738 1,414,694,053,978
2 Charades Ahead 20 347,108 497,843,434,592

If only you had willy's amazing insight into how resistance's should be carried out then you wouldn't of failed so miserably last round after getting your ass handed to you. He went on holiday part of the way through it just after your fail 1 v 1 declaration on us and mutually let you have all his acres before rejoining when he got back right? If only you had his ramble posts on how to carry out a resistance :<

Edit: I agree with some of what he said but it's pointless to tell a bunch of FTF alliances that they could have had a succesful resistance if they were more FTW like. They were never going to be. The round was always going to go one way with no real competition. Im glad that they seem to of had fun though.

i would like to see how kiwi compare to other winning alliances at the end of round. will the lack of competition make them lazy and starved of land? or will they soar like an eagle scoping out prey?


dooo eeet

its only happened once before, {since land score changes etc} don't wanna bruise Twigley's ego and take that away from him and the rest of S2N :p

I doubt that will ever be achieved again. That round was fairly unique :p
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Head Gardener
Jan 1, 2008
i would like to see how kiwi compare to other winning alliances at the end of round. will the lack of competition make them lazy and starved of land? or will they soar like an eagle scoping out prey?


dooo eeet

its only happened once before, {since land score changes etc} don't wanna bruise Twigley's ego and take that away from him and the rest of S2N :p

I doubt that will ever be achieved again. That round was fairly unique :p

good round indeed

shame I ruined our 20 man hit though :( I still wake up in the middle of the night, crying, because of that :p,


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
Twigley speaks truth.

The resistance was doomed to fail even if they did have a troop advantage because they didn't have a motivation advantage. They were all happy to send for a couple of waves but then the inevitable apathy set in and they all went to bed.

It's the same thing that happens with almost every resistance, only more so because there was nobody there who really cared about the outcome. Maybe if one of the other alliances had been looking to win then it might've been a different story. But then again, if another alliance had wanted to win we wouldn't have been in the position of needing to resist after 3 days in the first place.


Landscape Designer
Dec 17, 2008
The resistance was terrible because noone actually commited to it, noone whatsoever. We (Combo) planned an attack, tried contacting like 6 alliances a few hours before the hit and we got an average of 3 people sending from other alliances (9 from our own). But I guess it's better this way - let the fight for rank 2 begin.

PS: By fight for rank 2 I mean doing nothing in particular and hoping to get said rank 2


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
You could have done with preaching the majority of this to your alliance last round, Willy.


whos to say he didnt?

Top 10 Alliances:
Rank: Name: Led By: Members: Acres: Score:
1 TBA Twigley 20 527,738 1,414,694,053,978
2 Charades Ahead 20 347,108 497,843,434,592

If only you had willy's amazing insight into how resistance's should be carried out then you wouldn't of failed so miserably last round after getting your ass handed to you. He went on holiday part of the way through it just after your fail 1 v 1 declaration on us and mutually let you have all his acres before rejoining when he got back right? If only you had his ramble posts on how to carry out a resistance :<

twigley i didnt have the insights last round :p not to the same level anyway

also i was on holiday after the first hit. wasnt even half way through
i wasnt thier for any resistance hits.(was just us hitting iirc when i left, maybe one group hit).. i did try to encourage to stop trying to do multiple wave lengths... and just mass, gain land and confidence and keep the resistance motivated.

the only other thing i'd say also is i dont know if we resisted after only 3 days. but yeah i think with the resources we had we could have and definately should have done better. but then im sure it would still have been a challenge your ftw group would not have been easy to crack and crumble... Our alliance this round are a good group. but quite a few are the sort to rage quit if things got tough....i doubt that could be said of the end of the day the better alliance won.
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Official Helper
Dec 15, 2007
Cheshire, England
Thu 4th May, year 3. Early hours Attacking Kiwifruit Alliance HQ [AHQ!Kiwifruit]
Battle Report - Attacking Kiwifruit Alliance HQ [AHQ!Kiwifruit]
[range] 50,000 hostile Watch Tower attacked, killing 822,432 allied staff.
[range] 100,000 hostile Concrete Gun Nest attacked, killing 798,221 allied staff.
[range] 150,000 hostile Sandbag Gun Nest attacked, killing 501,516 allied staff.
[range] 30,001,337 hostile RPG Trooper attacked, killing 1,960,911 allied staff.
[range] 10,645,303 allied RPG Trooper attacked, killing 3,421,177 hostile staff.
[range] 91,170,826 allied Secret Agent attacked, killing 192,720,593 hostile staff.
[range] 74,005,316 hostile Hooligan attacked, disabling 9,204,664 allied staff.
[range] 14,826,362 allied Werewolf attacked, killing 316,294 hostile staff.
[raised] 10,561 victims were infected, howling, as they became werewolves.
[range] 11,747,841 allied Marine attacked, killing 5,008,631 hostile staff.
[range] 2,244,865 allied HQ Humvee attacked, killing 647,895 hostile staff.

Disabled: 9,204,664 [£509,011,575,000] friendlies disabled.
Died: 4,083,080 [£244,771,932,000] friendlies dead. 202,114,590 [£3,903,977,056,000] enemies dead.
Converted: 10,561 [£264,025,000] enemies converted.

You will soon be receiving £4,920,542,000 insurance.


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Why the heck would Kiwi have stuff mucking about at their HQ in the first place. Not like they need HQ staff. :p


Official Helper
Dec 15, 2007
Cheshire, England
Why the heck would Kiwi have stuff mucking about at their HQ in the first place. Not like they need HQ staff. :p
Same reason anyone parks troops at HQ, because they're going offline/uncontactable and think it'll be safer to leave them parked at the HQ alongside the HQ troops than risk being rushed directly.

Tbh, it's a sensible thing to do, because it stops people getting bounty from the attack and therefore puts many people off attacking.
However when you're got a group of board guys wanting kills FTF and not bothered about losses, it's a dangerous place to leave your troops :p


Garden Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Nicely done Steve :D It IS a real shame you guys didn't get bounty from that hit I must be honest.


Garden Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Why the heck would Kiwi have stuff mucking about at their HQ in the first place. Not like they need HQ staff. :p
Same reason anyone parks troops at HQ, because they're going offline/uncontactable and think it'll be safer to leave them parked at the HQ alongside the HQ troops than risk being rushed directly.

Tbh, it's a sensible thing to do, because it stops people getting bounty from the attack and therefore puts many people off attacking.
However when you're got a group of board guys wanting kills FTF and not bothered about losses, it's a dangerous place to leave your troops :p


poor rw