Recent content by tyedyegoddess

  1. tyedyegoddess

    Wave Bottomfeeding?

    How silly is that? I'm getting waved by people 300% my range. Waved. More than one coming in at a time. I'm not even in a top ten ally and am in fact the top member of mine with less than 6k acres.. So why is this the second time one of their members has sent to att (though the first time they...
  2. tyedyegoddess

    Azzer hates Comms Officers!!! (Or, Alliance Politics)

    I was asked by my alliance leader to clean up politics - clear out stuff that wasn't mobs out of the now-designated mobs thread, etc. I'm going crazy, because EVERY time I delete something, I'm back to page one. I click back into the page I was in, scroll down to find the next to delete...