• Those wishing to contribute to the game by making suggestions (both small and large) should read the following before doing so.

    Bushtarion largely runs completely automatically, and has been designed intentionally to be as self-maintaining as possible, with mechanics and balance considered at a completed point.

    Please do not spend large amounts of time coming up with complex suggestions in the hope that they will be read and possibly implemented in the future, unless you just enjoy the discussion, theory-craft, and such.

    The most likely changes will be rules-changes, specific number-tweaks to units, techs, and similar sorts of changes, and only if a large community consensus is reached as "proof" that a change would, overall, be an improvement, and are more likely to be done in batches, occassionally, not as a regular thing.

HQ idea


Feb 21, 2008
stoned, bored, and just thinkin..

what if the leader had the option to recall all mobs defending the alliance HQ.

say theres like 5 people that park at HQ to try and spare troops and a larger ally, just bored like we know they get lol, attacks there HQ.

we know in lower allies, those 5 people prolly can't get on like more active players, so there gonna lose all there troops.

but HA! whats this! A "Recall Mobs" button in the HQ... beep... "all troops returning to mob owners eta so and so" yay there alive for a few more ticks!

now the ally has more time to adjust and hopefully save those people from useless death.

sorry just thinking out loud


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
I see you thinking but i dont like the idea tbh.

I dont really like people being able to park at the HQ to "save" their troops at all...so anything which allows them to effectively have their troops controlled by someone else while they are offline in order to keep them alive is a no no for me


Plant Geneticist
Dec 13, 2007
No. Thumbs down. If you're going to be an HQ parking scorequeen then you deserve to die. Besides, it would only leave them vulnerable at their home, so you've only saved them for a few ticks before they get killed at home.

Utterly pointless IMO.


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
Agreed with everything Alci and Pinpower said. This would only encourage scorequeeny behaviour and it gives the leader too much control over other players' IDs.


Garden Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2007
Bad idea. The game needs to encourage players to fight not to constantly run away and save their troops.


Feb 10, 2009
I always thought as HQ that it should be fun to have some HQ lands

it would work a little as the same as taxes in the way that 1% of your land steal would go to your HQ. HQ could grow and plants seeds to get funds and develop using these funds.

i don't thint this kind of change would change much in the most part of the game. 1%land, if you think of it, is 10 less land if you grab 1000. i think it would also make the HQ more usefull and make the troops developpements worth the HQ money not to think about the usefullness that the data scrambler could actually have.

also that hq land can be vulnerable at first but some of the hq units are great on defence too ... guard towers and the gun nests could help a HQ keep that land his members gives it as a tribute.

well ..... flame away :p


Jun 28, 2009
I always thought as HQ that it should be fun to have some HQ lands

it would work a little as the same as taxes in the way that 1% of your land steal would go to your HQ. HQ could grow and plants seeds to get funds and develop using these funds.

i don't thint this kind of change would change much in the most part of the game. 1%land, if you think of it, is 10 less land if you grab 1000. i think it would also make the HQ more usefull and make the troops developpements worth the HQ money not to think about the usefullness that the data scrambler could actually have.

also that hq land can be vulnerable at first but some of the hq units are great on defence too ... guard towers and the gun nests could help a HQ keep that land his members gives it as a tribute.

well ..... flame away :p

I like this idea, a lot. but then again, my thread didn't get much attention, so I doubt it's agreeable...


Jan 11, 2008
I always thought as HQ that it should be fun to have some HQ lands

it would work a little as the same as taxes in the way that 1% of your land steal would go to your HQ. HQ could grow and plants seeds to get funds and develop using these funds.

i don't thint this kind of change would change much in the most part of the game. 1%land, if you think of it, is 10 less land if you grab 1000. i think it would also make the HQ more usefull and make the troops developpements worth the HQ money not to think about the usefullness that the data scrambler could actually have.

also that hq land can be vulnerable at first but some of the hq units are great on defence too ... guard towers and the gun nests could help a HQ keep that land his members gives it as a tribute.

well ..... flame away :p

this has been suggested many times before! :D

