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How to make Fantasy Routes viable popular routes!


Landscape Designer
Apr 26, 2008
It's widely known and seen round in and round out that both fantasy routes aren't quite up to par with the normal routes, and therefore aren't used as heavily in top play. This is aimed to change that.

First of all I'd like to say a few things, because this could be a particularly long post depending how many of my points I make and how long I ramble. First of all, although everybody's comments and opinions are welcome, I'd especially like for those of you who have played these routes in the past couple of rounds to definitely point out some things. I'm making the sorc idea with my experience as the route. My vamp idea is purely from observation.

We'll start out with vampires as it's the one I have the least to say about.

Although I know how much people (I as well) hate it when people compare routes when saying something is underpowered or overpowered, I think many of you can agree on the similarities of the vampire and SA route. Almost every vamp masses vamps, and almost every SA masses SA's (well...that's not quite true, solo's often have assassins, but it's close).

-Make vampires reveal either eta 2 or eta 1.
-Make vampires the SAME init as SA's.
-Remove vampire bribing ability.

-Stupid to have vampires reveal eta 3, with today's NBS popularity figuring out how many they have/could have is simple, defeating the purpose of stealth, and revealing eta 3 is a huge disadvantage, not an advantage especially in large planned attacks where they can see a real early on compared to fakes.
-Right now, the main reason why people think playing vampires is unviable is because SA utterly destroys it, and it's possibly/probably the most popular route in the game. If you compare the units 1 on 1, which I'm only doing because both routes are HEAVILY dependent on their punits, you should see a few things.
A) SA kills vampires retardedly easily
B) SA does slightly more health damage
C) SA is slightly harder to kill
D) Vampires do armor damage. This gives it a huge advantage attacking routes such as snipers and TL's. I consider SA a 'pretender' killer of TL's, probably the second most popular route, whilst vampires truly does destroy it.

In my opinion A,B,C 'balance' out and 'differentiate' the two routes significantly, along with the other units in the route differentiating them. If SA's and vamp's have the same init, SA's can't attack them and rape them, and vamp's can't attack SA and rape them. Seems like the best, and potentially only way to balance and make vampires viable, like every route should be. Differentiated, but good in their own way.
-Removing vampires bribing ability, I said this because of the insurance/bounty bug with vampires. Since Azzer seems unable to fix it properly, this seems like the best way to do it. It will remove 50%+ of the problems with converting, with only nanobots as the main concern. If converting stays, I recommend a price bump to ~60-62k, as LV's are epic, free flak.


Sorcerer route
Option 1:
-Switch sorc development time with Iron golems
-Change witches to some viable unit to keep the route decent until sorc's come out (Potentially an apprentice type unit that fires all 3 ticks and targets LET/all)
-Make sorc's fire all 3 ticks and a 20% boost in both armour and health damge
-Give iron golems a special bonus against hippy/yob

Option 2:
-Switch sorc development time with Iron golems
-Change witches to some viable unit to keep the route decent until sorc's come out
-Increase sorc's fire power by 50% in both armour and health damage
-Give iron golems a special bonus against hippy/yob

Option 3:
-Make dragons fire all 3 ticks
-Increasing sorc's armor/health damage by ~10% (?)


(My bad, I'm not quite sure how to organize my thoughts, so I'm probably just going to throw them all out there in a semi-organized fashion.)

-When I was going to play the Sorc route last round, my plan was to use IG/sorc combination. I wasn't even planning on getting dragons, because I thought sorc's were strong. If you're under the same impression, let me be the first to tell you, you are incorrect. Not to compare routes, but to put in to perspective, sorc's does approximately the same armor damage per cost as strikers, and fires MUCH, MUCH later. It also has the disadvantage of HAVING to have Iron Golems to have ANY chance of targetting LET. Not only does this screw up any perception that sorc's do decent damage per cost, and is only inferior to strikers in comparison by firing late, but IG's don't always even allow sorc's to fire on LET. This is almost always screwed up even when you're attacking by your target having hippy/yob/sd's/sgt's/hooligans/whatever else you can think of that could flak LET that isn't gardeners (which iron golems do a surprisingly good job killing). Of course, sorc's also don't fire last tick. Sounding stupidly underpowered yet?
-The sorc route is known as the route that can't kill much but can't be killed by much. I disagree. TL utterly rapes it, RPG rapes it, mass CW rapes it, any sort of RPG/striker/SA/vampire combination rapes it. What exactly can it attack? In my experience, very little. PoM's, puppets, and poorly set up people such as robo's without CW's. Not a whole lot. In most circumstances, even though dragons do a ton of damage they aren't able to zero someone in 1 tick, and the fact that they don't fire middle tick means they will get to fire THREE ticks, which is just a retarded amount of damage received.
-The easiest way to fix this is to just make it a p-unit required route like SA/VD/extremists are. Ignore making sorc's better, make them just a stepping stone at the beginning to an even more awesome unit, dragons. Just make them fire all 3 ticks, and I think they'll be used MUCH more often. It's like the robo route, but all in 1 unit and slightly easier to kill. I was always under the impression that dragons didnt fire mid tick because Azzer wanted to mess with the new R/M/C battle system.
-If you don't want to make it dependent on dragons, and you want to stick with the heavily differentiated and unique sorc/ig thing, that's a bit more tricky. When sorc's come out, they're pretty awesome for a few days until everybody is actually developed. The only thing stopping them from being super duper is the fact that they can be last ticked. Making them come out at the same time as they do now, with a damage boost, AND not being able to be last ticked is just a recipe for disaster. And you can't really buff them any other other than a huge damage boost or a small damage boost and firing all 3 ticks. Making the unit come out later is the best and only option.
-How to make sorc's come out later but make the route survivable/viable until then? Change witches to something to keep the route alive. I'm not quite sure what. I'd say something like a sorc unit to keep with the routes theme, something like **/**/**/** LET/ALL and fires extremely late (apprentice time) and all 3 ticks.

I know I have a lot more thoughts/reasons/examples than this, I'll post them as I think of them.
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Landscape Designer
Apr 26, 2008
Option 1 may be a little weak for the sorc route...15-20% might be needed. 10% seems like not enough to get it to the 'viable' stage.


Jun 28, 2009
All kinds of routes need reworking. Harrier needs buffs, RPG and SAs need less raping, etc. etc.

That being said, your ideas are a good start. I always wondered why anyone went sorc route with all the ALL targeting, and the witches being near useless.



Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
I have been messing around with the sorcerer route this round out of mere curiosity mainly because I refuse to believe that the popular sorc/golem massing technique was the best way to play it.

I dislike golems and I dislike sorcerers outside of their tech advantage. Like IAS mentioned above, golems leave too many other units alive, sorcerers end up killing NLD NLT. Not good enough.

So I started rethinking this strategy and considering my own. The shortfalls of the route, in my opinion, were that you cannot target LETs very well and that your units have too much armour and not enough health.

So I fiddled around with units and thought about the unused units in the route. Sirens and witches.

Sirens, imo are bollocks =P Okay you can mass them and then be able to attack TLs, apart from that I couldn’t really see the point so I scrapped that idea.

Then I started massing witches. I had faith in this tactic working because they have nice health stats and actually fire at LETs zomg. I know when attacking routes such as striker or RPGs alone that a combo of witches dragons will do far better at keeping the losses down that if you were to attack with sorcerers / dragons / golems.

So as LET flak they are useful, on the offensive, not so much =P Apart from again, they can beat TLs quite nicely.

Finally dragons, these guys are pretty amazing. They are very tough and have loads of fire power, but my dragons never seem to be able to fire on middle tick. Why is this! :( They are the only good unit in the route! I don't think that the route would become over powered if dragons fired on middle tick.

If dragons fired on middle tick it would add an extra dynamic to defence too. Mid tick being the sorcerer routes strongest tick!

So yeah, not very many questions actually answered, just my experience that everything in the route is a bit ****. Apart from serfs, ofc. They are essential.

(Serfs are bollocks too, who the hell would mass them at the start o.0 )

Naturally what the response will be "you should attack with someone else when using sorcerers". The whole point seems to be that it compliments other routes but that as a main goal for a route seems kind of distorted and that it needs it goals properly targeted so that it can actually do something more fun.


Head Gardener
Sep 30, 2008
Playing dragons this round (trying at the start, not so much anymore) i found it to be like a bunker route but mobile. They are great at defence, especially with the kights firing before sorcerors and clearing the INNs. I can't remember what ratio I had going, but I used all the units (xcept apps).
Massed sorcerors to give good fire power and good armour. Used the IGs to clear the gardners/harvestors away (so i didnt have to many IGs).
I balanced out the witches and dragons, so dragons do most of the killing and witches cover the mid tick and provide some useful health flak. Then the sirens i just threw in for no reason.

My set up was very well rounded, and *I* think it was difficult to kill, I could attack most people around my size and do even damage against RPGs, TLs, robos. I also found that Harriers arent really scaring considering thier stats would imply they would be the dragons bane, but i dont think i ever won against some one massing sins and mummies are hard to kill even though they are undead.

I would say the route fits well in the gameplay. It isnt effective against certain routes persay, but it is effective and ineffective against different route setups, eg. pwns mass SAs, but gets destroyed by mass sins. pwns mass rangers but gets hurt by harriers. smashes most robots xcept CWs and shields.

I think the only times i died was from a pure TL mob from some one double my size.


Official Helper
Dec 14, 2007
Kent UK
I would certainly agree that vamp route needs alot doing to it, particularly the vamp unit. You could kinda see the point of it when it was "the SA-like unit that can also attack SA's", but now that that's been taken away there's absolutely no point going mass vamps over SAs. The slight advantage in AD is completely outweighed by the 5{3} eta, the higher init, the lower HD and the lower HP and AP.
I'd agree that the biggest problem is the 5{3} stealth eta. It's worse than useless, it's actually a hinderance. As you said, it does nothing other than revealing your real mob very early. Either remove vamps stealth and knock 10k off the price, or make them 5{1}.

As for sorcs, I'd agree they need a slight buff somewhere, but nothing as drastic as making dragons fire r/m/c. True they can't attack much on their own, but they're rock solid and I've seen people do fantastically well with them as a support route in an alliance context.
Changing sorc targetting to ALL/LET, and/or giving golems a slight AD boost would be enough to bring the route up to par, in my opinion.
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Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 20, 2007
Will maybe come back and edit this into a longer post but just to say:

CFalcon said:
£75k is stupid for a 5{3} unit that dies so easily, especially when it's the main unit of the route.

* Vampire cost reduced from £75,000 to £55,000.

But yeah im with you that the eta 3 reveal is a negative rather than a positive like IAS says at the top. Found this especially annoying during big alliance attacks where the real is shown in time for defence to be organised accordingly.


Official Helper
Dec 14, 2007
Kent UK
Will maybe come back and edit this into a longer post but just to say:

CFalcon said:
£75k is stupid for a 5{3} unit that dies so easily, especially when it's the main unit of the route.

* Vampire cost reduced from £75,000 to £55,000.

But yeah im with you that the eta 3 reveal is a negative rather than a positive like IAS says at the top. Found this especially annoying during big alliance attacks where the real is shown in time for defence to be organised accordingly.

o.0 I stop playing for half a round and I completely lose touch :s [size=-2]*mutters something about back in the day......*[/size]

Fine, vamps maybe not as underwhelming as I thought :p But 5{3} still needs changing.

As for the vamps and SAs having same init thing, how would that work when you have vamps and SAs on the same side? Because defending SA firing before defending vamps would be very different to vamp before SA.
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Landscape Designer
Apr 26, 2008
Mmm, true. I thought about if it's even possible, since Azzer's never done it with any other route. But I couldn't really think of any other way to make it a viable route. I'd suggest IF it is possible and IF it's done that vamps fired after SA's in terms of 'if they're attacking together or defending together' but...now that you pointed that out I'm not sure if it's even going to be possible to do :(


Landscape Designer
Apr 26, 2008
Also, CF, you REALLY need to look at how underpowered the sorc unit is if you REALLY think it only needs a small buff. They are MASSIVELY useless. You might occasionally get lucky for them to target pure LET, but they still get like 3:1 on CW's and fire insanely late. That's utter **** for a supposed armour killing unit that has massive disadvantages in firing late and the fact that often its screwed up by not getting to target LET.

That's why I said they either need a huge damage increase, fire all 3 ticks, or make it just another biker type unit (keep it the same) and make Dragons the main killer unit by making it fire all 3 ticks.


Head Gardener
Sep 30, 2008
Also, CF, you REALLY need to look at how underpowered the sorc unit is if you REALLY think it only needs a small buff. They are MASSIVELY useless. You might occasionally get lucky for them to target pure LET, but they still get like 3:1 on CW's and fire insanely late. That's utter **** for a supposed armour killing unit that has massive disadvantages in firing late and the fact that often its screwed up by not getting to target LET.

i dont think sorcerors are meant to be an armour killing unit, i think they are more of a general killing unit, they do alright against everything.
Also dont forget they aren't made to target lethals, don't think of the 'ALL' targetting as a disadvantage, it's an advantage. What other unit targets 'ALL' and kills as well as sorcerors?


Landscape Designer
Apr 26, 2008
...They don't do alright against everything. The fact that they only get 1:6 on flak shows you how utterly **** their HD is. They ARE an armour killing unit, otherwise what the hell else are they? The route needs something, either a unique/rare/gamble strategy of an inn killer (IG) then a STRONG killer that targets all, or it needs to concentrate on making dragons better.

Or it will never become popular and it will always be viewed as a 'lesser' route.


Landscape Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 15, 2007
Netherlands, Brabant
...They don't do alright against everything. The fact that they only get 1:6 on flak shows you how utterly **** their HD is. They ARE an armour killing unit, otherwise what the hell else are they? The route needs something, either a unique/rare/gamble strategy of an inn killer (IG) then a STRONG killer that targets all, or it needs to concentrate on making dragons better.

Or it will never become popular and it will always be viewed as a 'lesser' route.

didnt they do 1:10 against flak? :/


Head Gardener
Dec 15, 2007
Personally, I think the magic subroute is actually quite a good route now, and doesn't need changing too much. The only issues I have with the route are that sirens really do only have a very limited purpose (if you're not attacking someone who is TL heavy or an SO without SAs) they don't really do much. Also I haven't played the route since witches were changed to m/c, but they still look like a fairly useless unit imo. Perhaps a slight decrease in the cost of sorcs would be good - around 10% so they were ~52k instead of 58k, but that's the only change to existing units that I would make - I think sorcs, dragons and IGs serve a decent purpose now. The route as a whole is good and it techs incredibly quickly (you can dominate most people by the time you get sorcs and dragons).

Now, I enjoyed the vamp route when I played it a few rounds ago but again it suffers from units that don't really have any purpose. Mummies aren't bad but I really don't like WWs. I just don't see the point of them - they are poor LET flak (especially considering you get lesser vamps for free), and they do no damage. The vamp unit - I'm not so sure anymore. I liked it when SAs had -75% damage on them, and being able to fire r/c was annoying but I could live with it. I'm not really sure what their purpose is anymore though, they are just the same as SAs but they do slightly more AD, which means they can't really attack anyone at their score apart from thugs and RPGs (which SAs can do too). The biggest disadvantage of vamps however is the eta 3 reveal, it's only useful when defending. It's impossible to rush people, and completely pointless when attacking anyone who's allied. I think the vamp unit needs to be thought through and redesigned to be given a purpose again because at the moment it's even weaker than it used to be when vamps were more expensive and only fired on 2 ticks.

But I played both routes before either was changed significantly and I actually enjoyed playing both of them. Obviously there were flaws but I don't think even now after all the changes they are anywhere near as bad as you imply Iamsmart.


Plant Geneticist
Dec 13, 2007
...They don't do alright against everything. The fact that they only get 1:6 on flak shows you how utterly **** their HD is. They ARE an armour killing unit, otherwise what the hell else are they? The route needs something, either a unique/rare/gamble strategy of an inn killer (IG) then a STRONG killer that targets all, or it needs to concentrate on making dragons better.

Or it will never become popular and it will always be viewed as a 'lesser' route.

didnt they do 1:10 against flak? :/

that would be the secret/hidden bonuses. They usually do about 1:6 or so on flak nowadays with the occasional "fluctuation" to 1:10. It's another thing that needs to get fixed :)


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
IAS i Read your sorc post as that interested me not the vamp one, and playing the route how you did is farfrom smart. you played it as you would if allied. as far as i can tell. and no i cannot for a second believe strikers do the same armour damage as a sorc they clearly do more, you seem to have little understanding of the route even after playing it. and if you use sirens the sorc doesnt have to do much health damage (explained in bold)
Also, CF, you REALLY need to look at how underpowered the sorc unit is if you REALLY think it only needs a small buff. They are MASSIVELY useless. You might occasionally get lucky for them to target pure LET, but they still get like 3:1 on CW's and fire insanely late. That's utter **** for a supposed armour killing unit that has massive disadvantages in firing late and the fact that often its screwed up by not getting to target LET.

That's why I said they either need a huge damage increase, fire all 3 ticks, or make it just another biker type unit (keep it the same) and make Dragons the main killer unit by making it fire all 3 ticks.

IMO The route is not designed in anyway to kill a robo, but definately not be a robo target because its a pain in the arse to attack as a robo. that is all. its definately not a robo killer as such. Although with the right balance of dragons and sorcs it probably can manage it on small robo targets.

and the route works great as it is, if you play it right as a solo from my old experience, and yess i need to play it with the changes to confirm my previous observations, and yes imo siren is useful and almost essential for solo play of that route.

(posted this before but then server crashed) and these are the old ratios i dont know how it has been tweaked but was under the impression it was purely Armour and health not the damage.
[unit]Siren[/unit] ratios
[unit]heavy weapons[/unit] 1 : 0.8
[unit]Sniper[/unit] 1 : 1.41
[unit]nanobot[/unit] 1 : 0.345
[unit]heavy thug[/unit] 1 : 1.15 - 1.275
[unit]petrol bomber[/unit] 1 : 1.74 - 1.96
[unit]terrorist leader[/unit] 1 : 1.4

when i played it i used no golems. and always managed to do well, and since then iirc they had a price decrease so may infact get a few. as mentioned when played honourably no one will really want to go for this route. but that depends now on wk debuff. My play style i used sirens targeting pure lethals as that worked for me with the added bonus they restore NO health on a stunned unit. so when your sorcs fire they dont have to do barely any health damage to kill a unit just strip the armour which is what they do very wellhttp://www.bushtarion.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1408&highlight=stunning this does rely on you two ticking your opponent you cant kill him in one tick like some routes, but sirens are very effective and can prevent you taking any damage if done right.

also dragons are nice good to give you an even easie ranger option good to deter strikers if they were'nt already, and make sa that bit easier.

previously i used 1:2:1 siren sorc dragon and could hit rpg,tl,Pom,heavy rangers, all very effectively, and now i will have to retest rpg, and try sa/ass. also previously strikers use to go home limping if they didnt have masses of appache/marines,( since change of health and armour stats i may need to go more4:3:2 to take an rpg i think)

[range] 23,000,000 hostile Striker attacked, killing 2,310,952 allied staff.
[range] 2,283,415 allied Siren sang out, freezing in place 252,278 hostile staff.
[range] 6,469,660 allied Sorcerer attacked, killing 50,022,979 hostile staff. (7.7:1) not 6 back in the day :p
[range] 1,730,467 allied Dragon breathed fire on and melted 13,793,874 hostile staff.
[range] 4,840,850 hostile Apache Longbow attacked, killing 10,341,729 allied staff.

dragons on striker ratio 2.62:1

although i imagine this has now changed, as sa/ass wewre once the enemy i imagine now it will be the striker route if they fancy trying it. (and yess i highly doubt it still takes 10 strikers to kill 1 sorc nowadays, but least you can bully some sa/ass around instead)
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Landscape Designer
Apr 26, 2008
Wily, did I even mention how I played the route? I remember zeroing you, what, 3 times with it? :)

Don't insult me on my understanding of the route, just because you have a different opinion (which by the way, in my opinion using sirens is stupid. It leaves you open to attack by like, everything, even TL that you're trying to stop.)

And if you read my post sorc's do the same PER COST as strikers. Read if you're going to insult me.

Short version: Stop posting that my 'experience' with the fantasy is wrong when you haven't even played it.


Official Helper
Dec 14, 2007
Kent UK
[unit]Siren[/unit] ratios
[unit]heavy weapons[/unit] 1 : 0.8
[unit]Sniper[/unit] 1 : 1.41
[unit]nanobot[/unit] 1 : 0.345
[unit]heavy thug[/unit] 1 : 1.15 - 1.275
[unit]petrol bomber[/unit] 1 : 1.74 - 1.96
[unit]terrorist leader[/unit] 1 : 1.4

Those are all almost exactly double the ratios I have, which presumably is down to the *ridiculous* hidden bonuses fantasy units have. It's the same reason some people quote 1:6 for sorc on flak and others quote 1:12

Hidden bonuses need to be removed. I don't particularly object to sorcs doing 2x damage at night or whatever it is, as long as that bonus is known and obvious to everyone.

Having had another look at sirens, it looks to me like a good place to look at for improving sorc route would be the siren unit. With a little more armour and a lot more armour damage (their health damage is actually rather good, they just hardly ever get to show it), then they would become a viable option for the route and give it a LET targetting option beside dragon.


Garden Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2007
I seem to remember Martin and I coming to the conclusion that either Golems or Sorcs needed to do more HD when all the unit changes I proposed were being tested. I don't think Azzer implemented it though as he wanted to ensure the unit wasn't overpowered.

This is if my memory isn't failing. :p


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
lol ias, maybe you zeroed me i was hardly a well set up robo i was after a stat, but i dont remember being killed by a sorc. and when i check my combat stats i dont see one either? are you sure you zeroed me not me zeroing myself on you for a score drop. like i said sorc isnt a nice route for robo to attack. but i dont think it can kill a robo too effectively. maybe cost for cost you see sorcs getting the same as strikers for thier same net worth but strikers dont necessarily WTFPWN robo without the other units in the route imo sometimes they need that little bit of health damage to fire to finish the job, so i still say for cost basis you will still be doing more armour stripping with that many strikers, they just have poorer health damage. giving similar ratios, or so i would have thought, but if you can show me a battle report ill believe you, just my limited experienc of striker route is that which i have posted.

maybe siren ratio have changed. if sirens dont get the same ratio as what i posted then maybe they have been changed and i am wrong. but ill find out next round either way. im not against a buff for the route as i do like the route, i just dont think you need a radical change of certain units just because your play style doesnt use them. a dragons on 3 ticks with a price hike would be nice to see.

you have your own play style good for you. No need to get round up about it. lol. my main point was in bold, sirens dont restore healtjh damage they did to stun the unit. so when you use siren sorc combo to kill stuff its actually pretty effective. And maybe more people should have tried it, as i dont see many stating they have excep CF. and thus using sirens negates the poor health damage of the sorc when hitting lethals.
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