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New Bountysystem


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
While we wait for the new and improved honor/fame/law system, I suggest a fix to todays bounty system:

Every player starts of with a 15% bounty.
Once someone have claimed that bounty, the same ID cannot claim a NEW bounty on the same ID until the bountyhunterID has been attacked or damaged by the player attacking. (i.e. defending an allymate)

That way each bountyhunter must concentrate on targets that either attacks them, or attack their allies.

This would stop someone from "mining" smaller players of their opposite route for bounty, and should make bountyhunting more fun and challenging.


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
To succesfully bountyhunt you need to go against minimal/no defence.
If you BH against moderate/heavy defence you need more attackers. If you have more attackers you split all the bounty between yourselfs plus considering the damage taken and the fact that you don't take any bounty on defenders it's not really 'bounty hunting' anymore, it's just a little bonus that comes by default in almost all attacks to compensate for looses.

Say me a lone ranger thug player bounty hunting an rpg once, how will i ever be able to BH him again this round ? He ain't attacking me and for sure he doesn't need to defend against me.


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
Because having such a small playerbase and beeing limited to a handful of good targets i feel BH wouldn't really have a place in the game anymore if a system would limit you to one BH run per round per counter route that made it in your 'honorable' range.

Plus the way this system is suggested it's terrible if you think about it .. all it takes is for target to send out eot and leave a couple hippy home and no more bounty. And on the other side the bounty hunter needs to constantly spy the future targets for defences sent and boost the real attackers with a few troops to take casualties from the future bounty targets and be able to BH them again :p


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
Because having such a small playerbase and beeing limited to a handful of good targets i feel BH wouldn't really have a place in the game anymore if a system would limit you to one BH run per round per counter route that made it in your 'honorable' range.

Plus the way this system is suggested it's terrible if you think about it .. all it takes is for target to send out eot and leave a couple hippy home and no more bounty. And on the other side the bounty hunter needs to constantly spy the future targets for defences sent and boost the real attackers with a few troops to take casualties from the future bounty targets and be able to BH them again :p

I agree that the idea isn't feasible, but I disagree that you should be able to hit the same few targets again and again for bounty, which is why I want base bounty removed. Bounty shouldn't be something you can get for hitting any old target.


Garden Designer
Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2007
I think this is a really good idea in general. Although the way you've suggested it isn't really feasible. An idea that just popped into my head is the following:

- Assume base bounty is 10%, for ease.
- For each ID, a value is stored for the amount of bounty claimed from another ID.
- When claiming bounty from a target, the amount you gain is reduced depending on how much you've already gained from that target or increased depending on how much they've already gained from attacking you.

I know that's not very clear so I'll give some examples:

Neither victim nor attacker have fought before. Victim's troop value is £1,000,000 (attacker's is irrelevant). Attacker kills all victim's troops and thus gains 10% so £100,000. This value is then stored somewhere in the database.

Victim regrows and has £1,500,000 troop value later in the round. Attacker attacks victim again and kills all troops. £150,000 would be gained but a check of the database reveals £100,000 has already been claimed. Thus, attacker gains just £50,000 in bounty. Database is updated to reflect £150,000 having been claimed.

Victim decides to get revenge on attacker later on in the round. Attacker has £500,000 troop value. The £150,000 bounty that attacker gained from victim is added onto this amount totalling £650,000. Victim can attack attacker to gain 10% of this value. Effectively increasing base bounty from 10% to 13% in this attack. The £65,000 gained is then deducted from the £150,000 value stored in the database meaning attacker can gain more bounty from attacking victim again.

What this means in reality is the more you attack someone, the less bounty you will gain from them (although if they keep growing in score, you will still be able to gain some bounty). If someone keeps bounty hunting you, you can attempt to attack them back for larger bounty gains (although this does leave you open to more attacks from them).


Landscape Designer
Sep 9, 2008
Give back the old
+ the titles and bounty system =)

This is already on the table, but Azzer needs to finish the new 'Fairness Calculator'
Although he may have it done ready for next round, cause i think he may have been running it in the background...

so L/F may be back next round ;)