War mode abuse


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Lappeenranta, Finland (Wolf territory)
There is nothing telling so in war section of alliance.
They declared war, ofc I declared it back. Nothing told that if we drop out of range our declaration doesnt end.
Also theres nothing telling HOW war is ended. No button end war etc.

Only option is to type none in that field (which I figured out now myself) nothing there tells it must be done so. Also it drops ALL wars of alliance, what if I would have wanted to keep some other war going?

Brains dont leave me.


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
If they declare on you, it works both ways.
You dont need to declare back.


Plant Geneticist
Dec 13, 2007
If they declare on you, it works both ways.
You dont need to declare back.

Aye i was looking through the portal news for that tidbit:

* Alliance war declarations take much less time to take effect, and only need to be "one-way" to work [snip] This means that if many alliances all declare war on the same target - that target is automatically at war with all of them in return without worrying about only being able to pick one target to fight back against.

However, if you're unable to rescind only one declaration at a time that should be changed. I've never used the war mode (since i don't lead anything worth declaring war with and haven't had a chance to put it to the test) but that would be an annoying flaw if you have to rescind all your declarations at once.


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Lappeenranta, Finland (Wolf territory)
If they declare on you, it works both ways.
You dont need to declare back.
Yes I know that... I didnt know that if you declare war it doesnt get removed even you drop under 50%. Only if THEY declare it gets removed.

Also I didnt know that you must manually remove it by typing none to war section. Nothing of those is reading in war section. If I had known I wouldnt have ever for fun declared war back against alliance much bigger than mine which was obviously winning us and get our guys killed for no reason without getting insurance...

As I said this is complete BS.


Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
It'd be silly for your war to automatically stop when your target got too big for you, given that you can declare war on anyone bigger than you.

Say I'm alliance X, and I declare war on target Y who are 300% of my score. I'm already below 80% of their score, should the declaration automatically disappear?

The only thing I'll agree with you on is it may not be wholly clear how to declare a war target for new users, having to type "none" - but for you Blackwolf as an old player, it's the same as the old system for leaving an alliance where you had to join "none", or for clearing p-naps (and a-naps of old) where you had to type "none" to clear it... and the fact it even mentions "none" on that page, you'd think that for you - it should have been obvious (so I agree it's not clear to newer users and should be cleared up... but you personally Blackwolf have no excuse and I think you're just bitter because you fluffed up got your backside handed to you and got no insurance/injury to show for it? :p).


Tree Surgeon
Dec 14, 2007
I think BW has a point actually, if another alliance initiates war with yours you shouldn't be able to declare war against them in the same time at least. That's 2 wars in 1 ?
If you get out of their range and the war they started is canceled you can declare on them after, but if they declare war and you think you need to declare back to get war benefits which might not be clear in wiki/manual/war page (can't read :p) then once you drop of their range they will continue raping you with no land penalities.
Either remove posibility to declare back or make a warning about your alliance already beeing in that war and what consequences you might suffer.


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Lappeenranta, Finland (Wolf territory)
It'd be silly for your war to automatically stop when your target got too big for you, given that you can declare war on anyone bigger than you.

Say I'm alliance X, and I declare war on target Y who are 300% of my score. I'm already below 80% of their score, should the declaration automatically disappear?

The only thing I'll agree with you on is it may not be wholly clear how to declare a war target for new users, having to type "none" - but for you Blackwolf as an old player, it's the same as the old system for leaving an alliance where you had to join "none", or for clearing p-naps (and a-naps of old) where you had to type "none" to clear it... and the fact it even mentions "none" on that page, you'd think that for you - it should have been obvious (so I agree it's not clear to newer users and should be cleared up... but you personally Blackwolf have no excuse and I think you're just bitter because you fluffed up got your backside handed to you and got no insurance/injury to show for it? :p).
We got declared war to, I had NO idea that if I declare war for them, that it wouldnt get removed if we lose. I wouldnt have EVER done it if I had known! Simple as that.

We didnt declare war to our enemy, they declared to us, they were already bigger and as this thread tells they immediatedly after declaration attacked us and zeroed few of us.

I declared war back to them of princible. I accepted their war. We lost, so what. Wars comes and goes they were better than we and they deserved their win. But I STILL WOULDNT HAVE DONE IT IF I HAD KNOWN OF YOUR BS UNWRITTEN RULES THAT ****ED US OVER!

Trying to make excuses out of your not eilling to read your own stuff and make sure everyone knows that stuff is stupid reason to go for stuff like "your oldie , you should know". I didnt! I realized we were in war hours after their war had dropped I were on page and read those "rules" again and again after a while figured out after reading your post about that WE should drop the war that i need to type none there....
I even messaged you in irc that WTF theres no way to cancel war.


Official Helper
Dec 15, 2007
Oslo, Norway
The point is that if there are no ingame mech. changes comin' up then there should be added a clearifying note somewhere. If BW missed it there are bound to be others who'll screw it up as well.