This Poem was written by a United States Marine


Head Gardener
Mar 1, 2008
Hole10, Netherlands
Re: This Poem was written by a United States Marine

Alcibiades said:
lol or to use the phrase of Jack Nicholson in 'A Few Good Men':

Colonel Jessup said:
Son, we live in a world that has walls and those walls need to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and curse the Marines; you have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives and that my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use then as the backbone of a life trying to defend something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said "thank you," and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest that you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what yYou think you are entitled to.

I'm gonna rip your eyes out of your head, and piss on your dead skull!


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Hillsville VA, USA
Re: This Poem was written by a United States Marine

Both of my Grandfathers served in WWII, and both my Father and Father in law served during Vietnam if not in the country itself. I have nothing but respect for soldiers.

I have nothing but contempt for pieces of emotional propaganda that are widely used to control the way we think. If I oppose the war then I naturally oppose the soldiers? NOT TRUE.

To me this kind of stuff is as bad as someone posting a link to Goatse and not warning me. It takes me to an emotional icky place that I don't need or want to be. I don't need this to be aware of the sacrifices my fathers and grandfathers have made.


Dec 18, 2008
Owensboro, Kentucky
Re: This Poem was written by a United States Marine

To those who say the poem is crap, honestly don't care. People express their feelings through many different ways, and this Soldier was trained to be a protector, not a writer. Say it's garbage all you want, it makes no difference to the person who wrote it, or to those who love it.

As I'm joining the United States Army this February, I can't join the USMC as I don't meet the requirements, I have a different perspective on a lot of things. You have to in order to join your Country's Military. Without Soldiers to fight, to protect those most basic rights we take for granted, those that wish nothing more than to watch this world fall in to chaos would prevail.
This would be unacceptable. I have come to terms with the fact that a lot of people will hate me for being a Soldier, but I'm ready for that... because so many more understand the sacrifice so many make to keep them safe.

A lot of people in America truly hate the Military, I can't say for sure about other Country's people, but they don't ever stop to realize that without the Soldiers in that Military, they wouldn't be enjoying their right to protest against the Military. It does make me sick at times to even think about Citizens of any Country hating their Soldiers, their family, but it's something that will always be there.

My Great Grandfather and Grandfather served in WWII and Vietnam as well, and I have a few very close friends that have recently joined different branches of the Military. I figure it's my turn to give back to my Country.


Plant Geneticist
Dec 13, 2007
Re: This Poem was written by a United States Marine

harriergirl said:
Both of my Grandfathers served in WWII, I have nothing but respect for soldiers.

I have nothing but contempt for pieces of emotional propaganda that are widely used to control the way we think. If I oppose the war then I naturally oppose the soldiers? NOT TRUE.

To me this kind of stuff is as bad as someone posting a link to Goatse and not warning me. It takes me to an emotional icky place that I don't need or want to be. I don't need this to be aware of the sacrifices my fathers and grandfathers have made.

Agreed. 100%. Both my grandfathers served in the Canadian Artillery in WWII, and I had a great uncle die in the Far East on an illfated British Admiralty mission.

Militaries are no longer as necessary as they once were, they have become as obsolete as Battleships. I'm sorry to say it, but I think that is most definitely the case. What did soldiers do to protect us against the most recent terrorist etc threats that threaten our form of western civilization, oh yeah, that's right, nothing. I hate to say it, but Soldiers do not protect our rights and freedoms, they enforce them abroad; or most recently they have done so. I can't comment on your personal morals Satureum but I would be thrilled if you actually think you can do good and actually accomplish it. Cheers to you.
I do not like propaganda, one way or the other. Unfortunately, I find this poem to be offensive to Soldiers everywhere and a betrayal of true sacrifice.


Tree Surgeon
Dec 15, 2007
Re: This Poem was written by a United States Marine

Cyrus said:
the poem means nothing to me that being said.

alot of us wouldnt / dont want to go out and fight a war
many here wouldnt have bollocks here so its easy to criticise sat here playing bushtarion.

the fact is the war was misleading but it did what it was also suppose to and remove a dictatorship. i have friends and family that are in the army and i would be devastated if they were killed but id know their life would be a sacrafice in a difficult war. this isnt easy for them, fighting civilians in their own back yard with no care for themselves.

all in all i find it harsh that people are dissing the army. ofc there's the exception and you get some dickhead kicking an innocent iraqy but not everything is covered in the media, infact far from everything, you dont see news reports showing soldiers infiltrating towns and restoring democracy

the news is 90% bad stuff when will people learn? :p

Hate to break it to you but soldiers aint doing what I imagine a soldier should do. Protect MY life. And as far as I'm concerned all they are doing is endangering my life more.
Violence only causes one thing anger, and what are terrorists? Angry at something. Now to make these people more angry in my opinion is most certainly not a good idea. I'm not saying ignore them completely because then they would carry on as they were but if these soldiers spent more time protecting ours and their own lives I would have more respect for them.
All that is happening now is we are giving them more reason to be angry more reason to fight what they call their war.

And by saying this poem sucks was no a dig at soldiers I just honestly think the poem is about as skillful as something written in a junior school. I've shat better poetry.


Dec 18, 2008
Owensboro, Kentucky
Re: This Poem was written by a United States Marine

Well, the whole point of doing what myself and so many others do, is to make sure you all can think and say what you want, as you do here, in public, where ever you so choose.

Regardless of your beliefs, I know we are needed.


Tree Surgeon
Dec 15, 2007
Re: This Poem was written by a United States Marine

Satureum said:
Well, the whole point of doing what myself and so many others do, is to make sure you all can think and say what you want, as you do here, in public, where ever you so choose.

Regardless of your beliefs, I know we are needed.
I am in no way saying soldiers are not needed. Nor am I knocking what they as people are doing because that is what they are ordered to do. I am merely saying that they in my opinion could be put to much better use than fighting angry bearded men who aim to blow up everything they believe is wrong.


Dec 18, 2008
Owensboro, Kentucky
Re: This Poem was written by a United States Marine

Cheese said:
Satureum said:
Well, the whole point of doing what myself and so many others do, is to make sure you all can think and say what you want, as you do here, in public, where ever you so choose.

Regardless of your beliefs, I know we are needed.
I am in no way saying soldiers are not needed. Nor am I knocking what they as people are doing because that is what they are ordered to do. I am merely saying that they in my opinion could be put to much better use than fighting angry bearded men who aim to blow up everything they believe is wrong.

I can agree with you there. But everyone should have a chance at freedom if they are willing to take it.


Tree Surgeon
Dec 15, 2007
Re: This Poem was written by a United States Marine

Satureum said:
Cheese said:
Satureum said:
Well, the whole point of doing what myself and so many others do, is to make sure you all can think and say what you want, as you do here, in public, where ever you so choose.

Regardless of your beliefs, I know we are needed.
I am in no way saying soldiers are not needed. Nor am I knocking what they as people are doing because that is what they are ordered to do. I am merely saying that they in my opinion could be put to much better use than fighting angry bearded men who aim to blow up everything they believe is wrong.

I can agree with you there. But everyone should have a chance at freedom if they are willing to take it.

So you yourself don't fully believe in what you are fighting for?
And question is do you believe the poem blows or not? :p


Hydroponics Developer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: This Poem was written by a United States Marine

The Poem sucks :p

I don't mean to sound dark by saying that if that was written just before he died, it would have some depth and meaning no matter how bad it was.

But as it stands - it sucks.


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: This Poem was written by a United States Marine

Defender said:
Meh, all i'm gonna say is that everyone has a right to an opinion. Whether they are right or wrong is almost impossible to know.
But i will leave you with this

It is the Soldier,
not the reporter, who has given us freedom of press.
It is the Soldier,
not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the Soldier,
not the campus organiser, who gives us freedom to demonstrate.
It is the Soldier
who salutes the flag,
who serves beneath the flag,
and whose coffin is draped by the flag,
and lets the protestors burn the flag.

Though perhaps just more "sentimental drivel" to some, this poem does carry a very true message.

thanks tupac.


Dec 15, 2007
Luton, UK
The Poem sucks :p

I don't mean to sound dark by saying that if that was written just before he died, it would have some depth and meaning no matter how bad it was.

But as it stands - it sucks.

I see. So the time of writing is relative to the quality of the literature itself? To be honest, that statement "sucks."

I think over the last couple of years the public has grown rather tired of having our supposed 'lack of appreciation' of the Armed Forces thrown into our faces. When one considers that it is the press that delights in highlighting every mishap and misdemeanour and then goes on to tell the world how we all have no respect for our soldiers, I think those here that have attachments or close ties to the Forces would do better to place their blame on the doorstep of newspapers like The Sun, as opposed to your average John Bull who, while not necessarily waving a flag in the street, does appreciate their task.

Personally, while I am eternally grateful for the services and sacrifices rendered, not to mention having a strong familial backdrop to Armed Service, I do believe that it is a calling that requires some manner of self sacrifice. One should not look to join the service to earn himself adulation and praise though I can understand why a little praise might feel welcome.

To cut it short, the public on the whole are in no way against the Forces, so it's not necessary to have more propoganda shoved down our throats.