• Those wishing to contribute to the game by making suggestions (both small and large) should read the following before doing so.

    Bushtarion largely runs completely automatically, and has been designed intentionally to be as self-maintaining as possible, with mechanics and balance considered at a completed point.

    Please do not spend large amounts of time coming up with complex suggestions in the hope that they will be read and possibly implemented in the future, unless you just enjoy the discussion, theory-craft, and such.

    The most likely changes will be rules-changes, specific number-tweaks to units, techs, and similar sorts of changes, and only if a large community consensus is reached as "proof" that a change would, overall, be an improvement, and are more likely to be done in batches, occassionally, not as a regular thing.

New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction


Landscape Designer
Dec 18, 2007
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

BlackWolf said:
So as long as situation stays same and we see more and more glued on changes on top of each others at the end of the round and Azzer spends his time (and i really do mean hours after hours) playing stupid games like whatta hell that Conan game was instead of developing his game, suggestions like this are useless.
Im sorry Sordes. I know you were hoping more from me, but i have decided im not posting to suggestions unless im really really bored. Even this post i only made cause i do respect the work you put to these suggestions, and which are completely ignored by Azzer as has been basically all suggestions for nearly 2 years now.

Quoted for truth.

I don't understand why sordes chooses to ignore so many people who are telling him the same thing over and over again when he hasn't played the game for like 2 years now and has no idea how things stand...


Feb 28, 2008
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

Because Foxx unlike most id rather try to put forward suggestions instead of just doing nothing but whining and griping all over. Hell do anyone actualy belive i belive Azzer would have this done for next round ? Hell even if he agrees i see a 3 round Minimum before it was most likly even in Beta. Azzer works real slow intil he first sits down and start doing something then he does alot at the same time then goes back into hibernation, id rather when he do wake up see that there are suggestions about thats usable, instead of nothing but gripes, and i would thank you all if you only want to gripe that you do so in Gripe section and not in my suggestion topic.


Landscape Designer
Dec 18, 2007
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

Sordes, what makes you think we haven't tried anything to get his attention?

Sometimes people just get tired of struggling for a lost cause... as you have been away for huge amount of time though and (I will say it again) you have no idea how things stand at the moment. I will be glad if you manage to get his attention, although I really doubt it.


Feb 28, 2008
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

f0xx said:
Sordes, what makes you think we haven't tried anything to get his attention?

Sometimes people just get tired of struggling for a lost cause... as you have been away for huge amount of time though and (I will say it again) you have no idea how things stand at the moment. I will be glad if you manage to get his attention, although I really doubt it.

Foxx, i could been away 3 years and stil know more about Bushtarion and its situation then you. Youve never been able to think longterm and i could prove that several times over. But since you challange me fine, this is how the game stands:

First Point: The general situation of the game is that the game is losing its playerbase not at a drastic rate but a little each round. This generaly means that the game is having 1 out of 2 main flaws, the first flaw is that its unable to keep its current players or two its unable to draw in enough new players. Bushtarion is suffering both of those, its unable to satisfy alot of the old guard that currently are only really playing because of the sosial aspect of the game this means to have some fun with friends and the like but even alot of these players start playing less and less serius as each round goes by, there are always a few exceptions but generaly this is the moving trend thats currently happending. This proves that the game itself is not whats keeping alot of its older players but the bond between those players. Well that is intil they start leaving together for other games that alot are doing step by step. Then there is the second element of not keeping enough of the new players. The game currently has a far to steap learning curve and this makes many stop trying before they even get to understand most of what experienced players call the basics of the game. Alot of these elements can be fixed however without to hard or demanding changes. But to move on further since its related to this point, alot of these new players also even if they do manage to get up realise they cant really get a good understand of bushtarion because of the way all the units and routes are done. It takes to long time to get enough experience to rise to a more "Advanced" player unless you have someone to show you the way and with an other element of the game which i will adress in point 2 means that its unlikly they will get it unless their of the rare or so 1% that will seek out the help on forums or the like. Stil a very low % of the actual players which indicates bad policy.

Point 2: Due to alot of effort into Solo devolopment the game's Alliance Situation has taken a dramatic decline over the rounds. There are fewer leader figures now in the game then ever before and a large % of the more skilled players play solo instead. The situation has moved more and more away from Compedative Alliance Warfare into a Individual Based warfare where only oneself matters. This means less general bonds are being formed and that leads to again fewer players sticking in the game due to sosial reasons. And because the game has gone more individual it also means its harder for new players to get to know skilled players to help teach them, which again means the Learning Curve of the game stays very hard which does not promote them to stay more then perhaps a few rounds and then leave and that is stil not enough to generaly master Bushtarion which means there get less people to contend for the top positions. Which again leads to a decline in Rivaling Fronts, atlest the quality of these fronts.

Point 3: The playerbase keeps demanding Ballance changes, while the time do most changes are only a few minutes the actual ability to keep the game ballanced with the current situation is impossible. There are to many Branches and now Individual playstyles to do so. Because Ballance aint constant and even if everything is perfect on paper does not mean it will work in practice due to player interfearance, this means like the time there where so many Robotics players massing PA that they became inballanced as a whole, not because the unit itself was to strong but because to many used it together and that made the situation unballanced. And on other fact is the game is getting old, most of the old guard remaining which i will point out is the current core of Bushtarion really knows almost all there is about the Routes, Tactics etc used and that makes the game very Static, very little change and if Azzer wishes to add new content its really hard because it will make the already very delicate situation which really aint good enough already even worse. This means that the game is in a situation it will have harder and harder time renewing itself and that means a loss of playerbase, basicly the trend thats already happending will continue.

Point 4: Im well aware that many blame Azzer for the reason the game is like this, while this is true in many ways its also very wrong in an other. Azzer has always have had the mentality: Bring Suggestions, ill at the very least read them over but nothing says i will agree to it no matter how much you argue for it. But these days most players like yourself does nothing but either Bash suggestions, Make poor ones to a degree Azzer cant bring himself to reply to or just Gripe all over and being annoying. The playerbase should stop wasting their time on griping and band together to help produce things Azzer can do to fix the current game situation but instead its just fueling the decline by being Rude, Uninteligent and Destructive and keeping players off the forums because all they hear is negative gripe instead of constructive feedback and others offering to help build on suggestions. This leads to further decline in the mental state of the game and helps bore people which again fuels the decline of playerbase. But most forget the way Azzer also works he has had 1 big Memo over all the rounds. That has been "Very minimal changes" before large changes come. Azzer's goal is a more stabil situation where he needs to do very little, but because of the current situation of the game that aint possible and Azzer does not want to sit and spend to much time making constant smal changes no he wants to build up on his bigger Projects like his RPG, and many blame him for not being around much while i agree he should spend atlest 30 Minutes a day on Bushtarion Maintance, he is also perfectly entiteled to his freetime and to do with it as he pleases. But Azzer aint the kind thats stupid enough to let the game fall to much further and lose his customers because even if he has a other job or work on projects all incomme he can get is more incomme for him and he will want to keep it, so that means sometime soon he will bring a new big update and when he goes around to look for things he can use, its better to have a Suggestion Forum filled with tones of what you call futile suggestions because there might be smal elements in each one he can use, some might be used to a larger degree. But all this game currently has to offer on forums its tones of whine, gripes and players who has no real intrest. Change your attitues and perhaps Azzer will also change his.

Point 5: Alot of the projects that has been announched for the game for the longest of times like the Tutorial stil eludes players. Alot for the reason players arent working on it. Or Azzer havent decided how he really wants it. Alot of this could have been solved again by player attutides towards the game and the community. Since some Screenshots and Word alone is enough to make a functionable tutorial, a change in the mails people get when they sign up also could be simple adds for it. But with the current game complexity a tutorial wont even be to much of a good unless fundamental changes to prevent the decline in playerbase is being done. People only care about their own situation i remember when alot of us in the old guard complained about Age 4 because we felt it destroyed gameplay we enjoyed. And players said "Thats only because your on the top and feel good being superior" will i will direct it right back at you now. Your only against most of these things because you would hate having to relearn alot of the basics again, even if it would only take an experienced player about a round to get used to the overall changes. But unlike Age 4 what aimed to totaly change gameplay suggestions i make atlest aim to restore it to when the game atlest was growing in size and not declining faster then it really can take.

So do i really have no idea how the game situation is right now ? I might not know to much of which player won this or that round. Or what alliances are about every round. But bloody hell if its Fact related topics like why game is declining etc i know bloody well tones more then probably 95% of the current playerbase does Foxx and you are included there. Youve never been able to think longterm at all and always been to overconfident. Stop being a fool and continue making a fool out of yourself and stop behaving like a child. Your grown up arent you ? Then bloody act on it and try to think a little ahead. And to end it, unlike most who enjoy spending their time just whining and griping, id rather spend mine trying to fix the situation.


Landscape Designer
Dec 18, 2007
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

Here goes my most favourite picture just for you this time Sordes:


I really cba to argue with you as I cba to read your 2k words post. It is not because I cannot prove you wrong, it is because I cba. Now let me see your e-penis grow.

[edit] Oh, and I don't care how good you think you are or how much you think you understand the game, because at the end of the day I am the person who spends 13 hours a day online without even having targets in range and I am the one who actually knows what is going on in the game, rather than some person who has been away for 3 years and is dropping by just to make a suggestion, which will never be implement, just for the sake of boosting his ego.

I wont argue with you, you know why? Because this will not be implemented. And I do not think so, I know it for sure.

Have a niced day.


Dec 14, 2007
Grenoble, France
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

f0xx: If you disapprove or are not interested in the topic, I would advise you to not to post. We are not interested in bickering between you and Sordes.

Sordes: I would advise to take a little more regard for what comments you get back. Obviously this is your brainchild, but you should welcome comments + feedback rather than treat it like an attack.


Feb 28, 2008
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

Welshie, i do. While this is as you say my brainchild the thing that makes me annoyed is the fact that the people that are attacking the topic arent at all commenting to the Suggestion as a whole or keep bringing up the same arguments without modifications over and over even if i have responded to it several times. Garrett on the first turn started bickering without even having read it. Foxx now keept saying i had no idea on the current game situation and used that as a argument against my suggestion. I took up his challange and responded, when he used a personal argument against me there are few options i have except to respond in the manner that i have. Many see me as arrogant which i dont mind since with Knowlage comes often Aroganse of what can be seen as it. But many users of these forums now behave as if they where in kindergarden or keep getting F's in class and stil belive that they know it all and refuse to take the words of others just like many Teen's and young adults do now all around the world. I know the game situation and proved it in my response. If Foxx did not want to be showed back down and make a poor excuse to leave the read he should not have challanged me to it in the first place, and ive just stated the facts most seam to want to ignore. If that makes people mad at me so be it, hopefully however a few will realise that its themself thats the biggest problem the game has and will try to correct it. The more people that are willing to argue with me constructivly and on topic the less other topics i need to respond to. I have no problem admiting when im wrong on issues, but damn ill argue for it and keep argue for it intil someone puts something forward that actualy has a solid reason behind it and changes my mind. But i wont settle for being called ignorant of Bushtarion.


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

I don't need to read the content of the suggestion to start to question how you would view implementing this large scale change. I did skim sections to see what the intentions were.

It is your narrow minded view of people other than yourself that will cause this nice suggestion to die.

the reason you want me to provide a list of details of what's wrong is so you can attack my statements piece by piece, detail by detail, out of context and try to overwhelm those points with the logic of your plan rather than have a discussion on how to change the flow a little bit as your targetting system is just plain cumbersome. It is an extra level that most seem to be uncomfortable with.

Nothing is ever implemented exactly as it's envisioned on paper. Your inflexibility on any point prevents your ideas from really taking off and having life and being really useful for the community imo.


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
essex, england
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

this is the first time in as long as i can remember (probably since the new forums were implemented) when i see bush having future. so can we stop bashing sordes for being outdated or w/e when he has put in far more effort than most of the people that are bashing him. he is trying to fix this game and has clearly put a lot of time and thought into this suggestion and i for one really like it. the 3 tier targetting shows that he already knows that his suggestion is not perfect and allows for mych easier balancing etc. but regardless of wether or not u like this idea please refrain from flaming etc (f0xx/garrett mostly) since even though u dont beleive it will ever get implemented, azzer may well turn up in a few days/weeks and see that someone has done all the hard work for him.

go sordes. i dont know why u are putting in so much effort into a game u no longer play, but i have the utmost respect for you for doing that.

PS. f0xx/garrett - do not take this personally. i dont jknow you garett but played along side f0xx for half a roud maybe and i do actually like you. this isnt a gripe about you but a plea to you both to let this idea develop.



Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

I wish you had read this thread rooney instead of posting blindly... I tire of people with no thought in their head to post only by taking up a torch that isn't lit. how has your post helped at all in this thread?

1) sordes doesn't make the changes, azzer does

2) ideas must be challenged in multiple ways and if you ACTUALLY read my posts, you'll see what's going on. You'll also see at least 3 others stating similar views and wanting to discuss how to change.

Sordes is telling is why his idea shouldn't be changed.

3) Stop being sycophantic.

4) if you actually have something to post that is on topic, do so.

5) my posts have actually furthered the discussion on this thread

6) you have been added to foes so I can ignore your drivel in the future.

7) if i was flaming sordes, i'd have been warned etc etc. just stop being silly.


The fact of the matter is that having to keep track of 3-4 eta's that could all be different on top of worrying on whether or not my monster firing on Let/All can only actually fire on LET (crime) and therefore defenders of a different route would be safe and my units get hosed, would be a circus when trying to organize my peoples for attacks and/or defense.

The proposed targetting/combat/movement is a move away from simplifying while 'changing' or 'improving'.

Sordes isn't even really reading my posts he thought I told him he misunderstood the targetting, but I said that targetting is a widely misunderstood system.

Meaning alot of newbies don't know how targetting works exactly. So until the both of you actually read what is here. The suggestion will die and it's not because of anything I've done or said.


Feb 28, 2008
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

Due to the expression of wanting to know more about what possible units might be comming from these routes ive now done the first addon to show 7 units of the Crime Route. Its not all the units and i would like to remind everyone that so far only the functions and roles of the units are posted. This is due to alot of stat related issues would be changed during ballance therefore its more accurate to show you readers the function of the unit so please be free to comment on this. I got more units at hand for when these 7 units have been discussed. Im splitting it up so that its a chance for each unit to get a propper comment and to prevent it becommes to much for most readers to follow. I hope you will comment on the units in question while being reminded that this would not be made for the current gameplay but be part of the new unit set that this suggestion would follow and that it would be ballanced against that set of units and not the current ones.


Official Helper
Dec 14, 2007
Kent UK
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

Garret, you are right about this suggestion needing to be challenged in all areas. The trouble is you are so aggresive in your posts you automatically make people defensive and make them take it personally. I know you don't "do" tact, but a little can go a long way.

I don't think the multiple eta thing is overcomplicating at all. I'm completely for it.

The new targetting system, I don't really see how it's any less complicated than having damage bonuses on units, as we have now. The only difference as far as I can see is moving where the bonus is written, from the description when you click on it in the manual, to the table of targeting classes.

What is the difference between a unit targetting LET|LET(military) and a unit in the current format that is LET with a +30% damage bonus against military?
Yes there would be a difference in how the unit performs, I'm not debating that, but how is one more or less complicated?


Feb 28, 2008
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

Well. I guess the complexity differance would be how "easy" it would be to follow. With all the bonus's you need to click on each unit and actualy get to remember alot of these single elements. But in larger battles is where the differances would show the most. Since a unit that has 30% Bonus vs Military units is dependant on actualy hitting the Military units to do any effect. And in larger battles sutch units fire will be very widly spread so the amount of firepower that would actualy hit Military units could be drasticly reduced and this in cases of units thats designed to help improve ballance of units thats to strong it wouldent help at all in larger battles because the units they got bonus's against would be well flaked. The new target system however would ensure that Military units would get fired on, no matter how many "Attack Dogs" was there to flak them. But at the same time it would do less dammage overall if there where no military units to fire on. So while its not much less complexed it does remove the need for the written bonus's and list it all up under whats possible to be targeted, and this means that its easer to notice "Ok this unit has a part of its firepower reserved for Military". But i will admit the main reason for the target system is to ensure ballance, not to make everything alot less complexed. It will stil take time to learn, but the basis of learning should be easier then all the bonus's, but the effect of the targetsystem will be more effective then the bonus's by many folds at the very least.


Landscape Designer
Dec 14, 2007
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

im posting here. but not anything as yet as i havent read the full finished article but fancy having my comment on the matter about this far into the topic

because in my opinion any second now the mods should and will delete almost all these comments that are 90% agrssive badgering and slating of individuals, i have read four pages of comments as i dont want to repeat anything that has been said

now to realise all that has been mentioned to date:

  • implimentation may be a problem, but then again it may not most of the structure already is inbedded in the current game.
  • the targeting system allows it to be more complex than the one at present. which as the game is wanting to be made simpler to understand for new comers, may be daunting unless it can be conveyed in a clear manner and kept to a minimum of diversification within the realm of multi targeting. only used where necessary, almost l;ike the bonusses are used now they are there to allow a balance
  • returning mobs do not return the same as mobs that have been sent? i am not sure on this comment like i said i havent read the full report yet and am still waiting to make my comment[/*:m:1nhv5x1j]

these out of 4 pages are three comments on the game suggestion, i have managed to understand, and see as constructive and relavent. meaning there is a lot of useless comments in those 4 pages imo.
i further understand alot of people dont like change they are set in thier way. or good at the game as it is and want to remain good until it too becomes stale for them.

on a positive note i love the idea of each route being more specialised at specific things. azzer did seem to try and intergrate this into the game and i imagine may also like the idea. as for example the thief route specialised stealer. the puppet specialised briber. bunker specialised defencively etc etc. and this takes the concept further. I LIKE! also i agree simplifying the game as much as popssible will make it easier for the new ones to get into it.


May 24, 2008
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

A very interesting read. Fairly radical suggestion, but it would definitely breathe life into a game that is becoming stale. I can see the arguments saying it would make bush a different game, It would be different, but it would still be Bushtarion. It would have the same core dynamics with tick based gameplay, land type/season/weather playing and important part in resource gathering, alliance or solo play, varied routes etc. Besides with the amount of people who've left bush, maybe a 'different game' is what we're after. Whilst realistically this has an incredibly low chance of becoming a reality, I would still like to share my thoughts on the idea.

Whilst three tier targeting definitely has the potential to be more balanced, yet just as complex as the current system, the advantage it has is that it's far more intuitive. I can see it being easier to understand than the whole 'unique bonuses' thing we have going on atm. Would this apply mainly to secondary and tertiary targeting though? I can see problems developing if a lot of units have very specific primary target types. Whilst I'm all in favour of a rock-paper-scissors route heirarchy, I don't want to see a load of EMP warriors or Bunker Busters that have one effective use only.

I also really like the idea of route specific support developments to help specialise each route, it adds another layer to the game without being much more confusing than having to research geo-phys thieves or new intel. The open tech tree idea again has the potential to make the game easier to learn but take longer to master. Keeping both new and old players from quitting so quickly in the sense that on the surface there are less units overall to get to grips with, but the more experienced players have a wealth of combos to experiment with and can dev them in different orders making early round decisions more important to get the edge over others.

Other comments:
- Are the amounts of devs you do going to be limited? Or will there just be some sort of massive cost increase as you complete more and more developments? Cost increase would limit the majority of the playerbase's devs, but allow the top alliance to a) get better units and b)drop seed/plant/fund score to bash lower players, which is probably not the best idea.
- I'm not sure that I 100% understand the open tech tree idea. Are you suggesting that if you start researching down one branch, the other will still be available, and that you can only complete a certain number of support or generic devs? An example tech tree might be useful.
- I assume you're also planning a complete re-work of alliances and solo play as well? What sort of roles do you see them filling with the new ideas? With a very defined rock-paper-scissors dynamic, I can see solos being hit often by their anti-route and having no way of effectively defending.
- How long do you see the routes as being? From your overview of the crime route, you have added 7 new INN units, obviously the route would also need some form of lethals/blockers to defend itsself, and then how many of these can you research? I assume there will be more researches down each route than its possible to complete and it is up to the player to choose the best combo. Is that correct?
- The hacker unit. Abusable? Send it to alliance hq? etc. Some sort of safeguard that it has to be home for it to work. Also, would it impact score gain the same way that getting funds through acres does? In order to prevent people from staying low and hoarding cash.
- Flying unit types. How many of these do you see being added to the game? If only a few, you disadvantage units that specifically target flying units, but how do you work flying units into more than just the mil+robo routes.
- I like the different attack/defence etas and I see how it would help develop the focus of each route, but are you moving towards higher eta for everything? I Like bush because I can plan an attack and see it land in a little over an hour. If attacks took 9 ticks to get there and then 9 to get back, thats 3 hours just travelling time back and forth.
- How specialised do you see the routes becoming? I would still like to be able to attack effectively with robo or terrorists and defend with military. The fact that most of the routes today are pretty versatile is not exactly a bad thing.

These are just a few thoughts that have sprung to mind. If this suggestion is taken seriously and developed properly, it could be the sort of thing the game needs to stop the shrinking playerbase. I will be interested to see how this develops.


Feb 28, 2008
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

Response to your Comments & Questions:

]1: Devolopments would not be unlimited since that would take far to much code but i do not see creating a "This or That" option many places at all. There might be some like perhaps you can choose between 2 Different Punits in a Route (not decided) or perhaps gaining 2 type of bonus's like perhaps the the final ETA bonus vs the final seed production bonus. I hope i wont have to suggest a single one of these limited options to make sure the tree stays as open as possible. However as you say and i mentioned in the devolopment bit each Devolopment you do will have a Secondary Cost. A Increase in Devolopment Mod, today we have one that ticks down globaly with each devolopment. This new one would be individual, and would work on: Base Cost + (Base cost xMod). So the first Devolopments would be cheap most of them perhaps only add 1 or 2% add to the mod. But some later devolopments say a Punit would increase the mod by atlest 10% and since the more devolopments you do the higher the mod it will help offsett the part of top allie being able to make to many good combo's to fast. Or a big Solo being able to get self deffensive combo's to easily.

2: If im to use a example lets use Military Tech Tree of today. You would be able to devolop Marines, Recruitment Officers and F117 if you had the time and resouces to do so. Its just the deeper you go down each branch the higher the base cost and the Dev Mod increase the devolopment would have, so you could rush down a branch and get the end unit of that branch cheaper then you normaly would suspect, or you could go say First Paratroopers, then Heavy Weapons and Shocks and do each branch one step at a time but the cost of the last units would be much higher this way. Same if you rush support devolopments, the cost of your unit devolopments would also be higher.

3: Yes i do foresee a change in Solo and Alliance play, in thruth if i could drive every Solo player into an alliance i would. I will not want to give Pure Solo's any Devolopment Advantages at all. No Route will be designed for Solo Play like Spec Ops was back when it was made. There will be much more simular situation to Age 2 Solo's. Where you are weak vs your counter route, but not as weak as say a Pom Player would be against a Biker Thug today. Due to the open tech tree's it is possible to be more flexible but it wont be a easy race since i belive without bringing solo players now into alliances and try to stabilise Alliances so we get some firm groups again in the game without that it wont be possible for the game to survive in the longer run. But generaly i forsee a few options in Routes that can handle solo play better then others, but no more support for massive Stealth Strikes for Solo Groups etc, I aim to weaken Solo's as a general and strenghten Alliances.

4: Today we see about 7 Units with the Punit pr Route. I hope at the very least to double it to 15, but i suspect it might get closer to 20. Somewhere inbetween there. Yes to go further on Crime i got atlest 7 More units that i could post up where some are lethals and others are NLT. The end amount iset set but i do hope somewhere between 15 and 20 since ive left some unit spots undone since feedback from the community is very important and it will effect the shaping of the routes so its been more important for me to try to indicate the roles of the Routes and some of the units to help illustrate this then post up a full list of units that might need to change drasticly because 1 element of the suggestion might be uncodable and therefore offsetting the entire ballance scale. And your slightly correct atlest, i want that each route to have more then 1 set playstyle thats effective. A good example is if you had played Poms today and some Thugs decide to make your round hell its very little you could do, with this new style you could change what units your using and therefore make the thug players biker attacks far less effective, might not solve the problem but you wont be as good of a target again, and yes i do hope each route will hopefully atlest 3 suitable options of good combo's within them and that players are able to find many possible ways to play each route and yes the "ideal combo's" of sort will be on different branches. This is to indicate that 2 mil players in the same alliance, will most likly start on different branches to help gain the allie more variation and better combo's. But at the same time if they notice that say a allie like this round is robo heavy they can adjust far more towards their needs creating a degree of flexibility for tactics.

5: Hackers, yes as mentioned they are abusable and would have been. But its the function of a unit that generates funds as you have it thats its function. Perhaps making it an Imobile unit would fix it since then people could just go and try to kill it. But one must also remember that Terrorisim that Hackers would belong to, would lose alot of their troops due to the Sucide Prinsiple so they do need some secondary money options. So hackers would help to add to this but if Imobile and have atlest 36 Houers before they generat Profit after build, have them only generate funds once a day perhaps so if their killed the tick before you get nothing. Things like that would help to ballance Hackers in i belive. And yes a Increase in Score value for Money after a certain point might be a good idea, i would suggest that to be around 700Bill, thats more then enough to "hoard" and more then enough for even a big resistance player to rebuild but not enough to get one into the top if you have nothing else. So if after this limit score value would increase alot it could help prevent lowbie hacker hoarders.

6: Its true i dont see getting alot of AIR units. I see perhaps 1 in Diplomacy, 2 in Terrorisim, 4 in Military and 2 in Robotics. And there wont be alot of air targeter's directly but say a unit like RPG could have had a targeting like this: Let, Let(Air), All it would mean that in a battle where there are Airborne units, the RPG would perform alot better then in there would be none, but it would stil have a large chunck of its dammage hits lethals (50%, 35%, 15%) and the total firepower would drop 20% compared to today if there where no Air, but if Air it would have been 15% higher then today, and it would directly target units that often have high degree of firepower but might be more fragile making it a good counter unit but sametime functional elsewhere.

7: Yes i do hope it will take about 3 Houers in the start. You could say i want to even out the start a little, make it so that not so much depends on that first night where the hardcore players can pull away so much. Sure they stil get alot of benefits but they wont be able to get as many attacks in as today at the start, as one then later get some Support Devolopments done, im guessing the last one that effect eta would be commonly done after around 3 weeks in then most would be like today but i do plan to end it atlest 1 tick slower then today so average attack later round i would aim to make around eta 6, with starting the round off around eta 9 to help even the field some and allow players more rest and stil be able to not fall to far behind at the start.

8: The best way to explain this would most likly to be using Military Route as an example again. Each Route would be true to its Core Prinsiple, like Crime would focus on Speed and Money but be generaly weaker military vise. But it would have 3 options of branches to go down. It could go down one with alot of INN Units that supports their ability to steal, they could get attack support units like Hooligans, Thugs or Loansharks. Or it could go towards the few Lethals and focus around that. If they go INN their more vulnerable, but great flakers, if they go attack support they can work well in teams, or if they go Lethals they can end up with alot of cheap but effective lethals to help since even today alot of a unit helps and even if its not the best alone Crime Route it works very well with others. Military would be more 3 different taks on being agressive, like Infantry would focus more on Health and Stability not the strongest for cost but not the most expensive either, then the vechicles with Humvee, Tank, Striker etc would be the most heavily armoured but be slower but would be more ideal if you expect alot of incomming. Then the last option would build on Air units, faster and more strong then the others but also far more fragile for the cost. But say Apaches covered by alot of Humvee's would stil do good, unless you face a player with a little to many counter units, but stil even if alot of these where around you could stil swap to a Infantry lineup to avoid it, and this helps deffend or attack since you can in a sense adapt vs what others have. And with this what units are in use might change over a round as people always try to adapt against each other to gain the upperhand.

I think that was all, if you have more please do state them and i will try to respond to each one. Im also really thankfull for your response and in the way you did it. Its helped i think create more light on the suggestion and perhaps help set the treand for the thread alone the lines all suggestions should be greeted with well defined questions of its clear someone who has read the whole thing and not trying to bash it in the slightest. again thank you.

- Sordes[/size]
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May 13, 2008
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

WOW big message!

I got a question which is pretty simple. Is there still blueprints for the final tech where u hae to pay (i guess so because how else would Azzer earn money) but just asking.


Feb 28, 2008
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

Yes there would be. But if there would be a few to choose from or only one i will admit is undecided and or if one of the support devolopments should be that way aswell.


Head Gardener
Dec 14, 2007
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

I liked the start where you said lets simplify things for new players, reducing route options from 17 to 5 seems good but then you went on to complicate matters. An "Open" Tech tree of sorts to allow flexablilty would be good as new players could run headlong into a cheap development and regret it later. It is good to see people take time to think about the dynamics of bush and not just complain about the state its in, keep the suggestions coming, :D


Feb 28, 2008
Re: New Unit & Devolopment Structure: General Introduction

Thank you Lupus for your inputs. I hope others might have some aswell ? For those that are waiting for more unit information it will be granted tomorrow where i will add most likly about 20 More units so people can see a little more. So for those that like to read all before responding be sure to get updated before the new update. Or it might be alot more to read.